Now I’m not saying that there are not problems that have a race connotations. What I am saying is that by the evidence seen across the United States of America clearly demonstrates that *“Whitey” may not be the culprits. “Whitey” According to Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, a Harvard professor and contributor/friend of the president “this is what it’s like to be a black man in America” and “being judged by “Whitey”.
One could not ask for a more perfect illustration of the notion that much of the racist attitudes are within the black culture. I see it on a daily basis. There is an obvious and highly visible “attitude” displayed by many blacks resembles that displayed by Prof. Gates. Of course not all blacks demonstrate “attitude.”
The media and politicians, even the President, differing from his campaign promises (actually two-faced rhetoric) do nothing to promote ethnic harmony. On the contrary ; everyday we see clips and hear accounts that initiate, aggravate, perpetuate and exaggerate ethnic tension.
Mr. Obama kinda stepped in some doo-doo, again.
Look at the reality of the immediate situation in a country where the black president verbally attacks, before having the fact, a powerless white cop, Sgt. James Crowley for arresting a black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates -- in a city with a black mayor and a state with a black governor -- as the professor vacations in Martha's Vineyard.
Now a days in America, the so-called "victim" is more times than not really the aggressor, and the alleged "aggressor" is more times than not is the real victim.
Chicago Sun-Times, and several black activist groups have accused Mr. Obama of not being black enough. He somehow imagined that the rest of the country might not notice the president of the United States gratuitously attacking a cop in a case of alleged "racial profiling."
Oops, my bad.
All of a sudden, with the heat of the national spotlight being turned on a small local story, it has become clear that there was no "racial profiling" involved -- other than by the black Harvard professor, who lorded his credentials and connections over a white working-class cop.
Now comes the “dog and pony show.” The guy will meet at the White House for a beer-fest, which was suggested by Sgt. Crowley and Obama being the ultimate opportunist ran with it. Another photo-opp and the adoring media will give the event prime-time front-page coverage.
What a sham, what a disappointment.
As I see it Mr. Obama is racially divisive and a blatant reparationist. Just look at his gang and associations a little closer and perhaps, if you are smarter than a fifth grader you’ll agree.
Ann Coulters latest book “Guilty Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America” is worthy of purchase.
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