I quickly found an alternative to the absolute worst street traveled on my commute. It was on my way home and the winner or more aptly put the looser 141/Medlock Bridge between Jimmy Carter and State Bridge. This is truly the road of idiots. It is a drive you have to experience to really understand. The posted speed limit is for the most part 55 with a couple 45’s thrown in for good measure. You’ll have to deal with drivers-texters-cell-phone-talkers and just plain morons. I think the Orientals and the youngsters tie for the most frustrating drivers to get near and past. How about Toyota and Honda vans. These vans should be restricted to gutter lanes only and permitted in the other lanes limited to within 200 feet of making a turn off the street being traveled.
Slow reaction times, no signal lane changes, those who think 30 in a 55 is fast enough and the dreamers who for some unknown reason will leave 5 or more car lengths between them and the stopped car in front. They’ll leisurely accelerate thinking of God only knows what and for some they’ll actually get up to speed just in time to stop for a red light. I only drive this “road for idiots” in the morning, around 5:30 AM because the idiots are still sleeping safely at home or for some other reason they are not yet ready to screw-up the flow of traffic. Being ahead of the idiots means the drive will only about 10-12 minutes. In the afternoon it can often take more than 30-45 minutes of pure frustration. I have a top-secret route that closely matches the much easier AM drive.
Slow reaction times, no signal lane changes, those who think 30 in a 55 is fast enough and the dreamers who for some unknown reason will leave 5 or more car lengths between them and the stopped car in front. They’ll leisurely accelerate thinking of God only knows what and for some they’ll actually get up to speed just in time to stop for a red light. I only drive this “road for idiots” in the morning, around 5:30 AM because the idiots are still sleeping safely at home or for some other reason they are not yet ready to screw-up the flow of traffic. Being ahead of the idiots means the drive will only about 10-12 minutes. In the afternoon it can often take more than 30-45 minutes of pure frustration. I have a top-secret route that closely matches the much easier AM drive.
By the wat; the picture is from Kansas, I think
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