OK, fine the guys are getting together to throw-back a beer or two and maybe an unrecorded presidential smoke. Anyone smarter than a 5th grader knows that the FIRST thing affected by alcohol is judgment. So, the fellas are going to attempt some dialog about a very sensitive subject- racial profiling with their judgment impaired even more than previously displayed as being questionable or as Mr. Obama inferred stupid. Here’s the kicker; the well intentioned person who made the 911 call has been shunned by the boys, or at least by our fearless leader. Now we all know that Mr. Obama has certain views and opinions that he has learned over 20 or so years with the reverend, of hate America, Jeremiah Wright. By the way, the one left out was not plumbed like the fells. In case you are not smarter than a 5th grader the 911 call was placed by a female and we have heard how Mr. Obama describes those of the female persuasion.
“You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig.”
Oh, I see what you mean Mr. President. You think women are pigs.
Barack Obama
In an apparent attack on Republican vice-president nominee Sarah Palin, September 2008.
“I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother — a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.”
**Cringe but stay in the pew for 20 or so years.
Barack Obama
Regarding inflammatory racial remarks of his Pastor, Rev. Jeremiah White, speech on race, March 18, 2008.
“We've got a tragic history when it comes to race in this country. We've got a lot of pent-up anger and bitterness and misunderstanding. ... This country wants to move beyond these kinds of things.”
**Oh really Mr. President? I know that this country has done more to promote racial equality that any other country in the history of the world. Once again Mr. President you illustrate your own prejudices. Way to move beyond Mr. Obama. Way to move beyond Mr. Obama.
Barack Obama
Speech on race, March 18, 2008.
This incident was NOT racially initiated it was idiot instigated and that’s the bottom line, period.
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