A couple days ago I was talking with a young man I’ve known for lifetime. I was shocked to hear that he thinks Obama is compassionate and that is his motivation with the proposed Health Care Deform. Incidentally it is fashioned after the Massachusetts plan that is not going so well. http://www.heritage.org/Research/HealthCAre/wm1045.cfm
If you think the proposed Health Care debacle in the making is about anything other than CONTROL you need to get your head out of your rear-end and read what is already available online.
Please notice that this, like the other Obama CONTROL bills is being rammed down the throats of the American voters. Rush, rush, rush, so folks won’t find out al the CONTROL elements of the bills.
Where is the “transparency” Mr. Obama promised? Of the 1,018 +/- pages even Obama admits he has not read the entire bill as he hopes the same of the not smarter than a fifth graders.
Could the fact that this debacle will not actually start the fleecing for FOUR years have any thing to do with Obama’s term ending and the next election? They know that if they succeed in ramming this thing through its 4-year dormancy may work in Obama’s favor come election time.
I’m telling you folks this is an Obama take-over is not about reform it is about the Liberal Government slugs wanting to control out lives. Read the so far available:
Who leaves the United States of America for “Health Care? No one smarter than a fifth grader. Well, maybe someone looking for a miracle cure or kicking dope in private and maybe one guy who is not smarter than a fifth grader.
Who comes here for Health Care? People smarter than a fifth grader because they know we have the very BEST!
Wait, I just heard Obama complain about someone having to do a bunch of paper work for some treatment and concluding that our system is “broken.” Broken my behind! Paper work, mmmm, lets look at the IRS tax system and its paper work. Now that’s broken.
Google for yourself and learn the facts.
There is much to be said about the Obama “change” agenda and I am but one small voice in the wilderness of Georgia.
I found this to be rather interesting list, it's Obama's charitable donations expressed as a % of his income...do you notice how his hitherto miserly contributions suddenly INCREASE as his political prospects increase? Mmmmm...now surely Obama wouldn't be just another calculating political opportunist, would he?
2006: 6.1%
2005: 4.7%
2004: 1.2%
2003: 1.4%
2002: 0.4%
2001: 0.5%
2000: .09%
By the way; how about the way he takes care of his brother and aunt? It is pathetic.
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