OK, speaking of choosing ones words carefully; how about the use of the word "government" as in "bail out?" Fact is it is the “TAXPAYERS’” money. The Government thinks OUR money is theirs. In reality it is ours! They take it from us.
The “Fair Tax” may be a viable alternative. Frankly I have not formed a final decision. As it stands now, there are certainly some pros and cons. One thing to be sure: the majority of our elected official, who incidentally were elected to serve the needs of the people, are very reluctant to give up any control over the taxpayers.
Which brings me to another word being bandied about: “sacrifice.” Our beloved President O’ used the word when discussing the government, I mean Taxpayer Bail-Out of Chrysler and GM. He identified those with “secured positions’ as not willing to make sacrifices while other did. Evidently “sacrifices were made with a certain amount duress from the White House.
According to dictionary.com: A sacrifice is the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim. The oval office has a much different application for the word. Their definition in these circumstances is open for some prejudicial definitions. In fact the heretofore-Federal Bankruptcy Law has been ignored, which comes with long reaching legal ramifications.
By his actions something of greater value is blatantly politically expedient. Given the fact that “Unions” historically and currently contribute to and vote the Democrat ticket it comes as no surprise that “O” “stands by” them rather than those who have a LEGAL right to “1st position under the Federal Bankruptcy Law.
The “Fair Tax” may be a viable alternative. Frankly I have not formed a final decision. As it stands now, there are certainly some pros and cons. One thing to be sure: the majority of our elected official, who incidentally were elected to serve the needs of the people, are very reluctant to give up any control over the taxpayers.
Which brings me to another word being bandied about: “sacrifice.” Our beloved President O’ used the word when discussing the government, I mean Taxpayer Bail-Out of Chrysler and GM. He identified those with “secured positions’ as not willing to make sacrifices while other did. Evidently “sacrifices were made with a certain amount duress from the White House.
According to dictionary.com: A sacrifice is the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim. The oval office has a much different application for the word. Their definition in these circumstances is open for some prejudicial definitions. In fact the heretofore-Federal Bankruptcy Law has been ignored, which comes with long reaching legal ramifications.
By his actions something of greater value is blatantly politically expedient. Given the fact that “Unions” historically and currently contribute to and vote the Democrat ticket it comes as no surprise that “O” “stands by” them rather than those who have a LEGAL right to “1st position under the Federal Bankruptcy Law.
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