Here’s the thing: With regard to PresBO (President Barack Obama) addressing the schools of America my first reaction is here is our thespian leader seizing yet another opportunity to further his political agenda. Next, what if Bush wanted to do the same? No doubt in my mind the now Obama-Adoring media, then Bush-Hating media would have generated more hotly protesting press and outrage than the 9-11 attack on the then United States. Fundamentally though, my objection to the PresBO address is preemptive. In the interest of disclosure, I have no school-age mush-melons. Giving an opportunity to someone whose expressed views of America are such that he wants to “change,” “reshape” and “redistribute” so as to end up with a socialist/fascist regime and a Euro type Un-United States. Bottom line: the president wants to impose too much personal influence and promotion of his agenda. Yet another illustration of double standards and media bias.
Here’s the thing: I would not endorse a person, any person addressing my kids or yours who welcomes an avowed communist in to his inner circle. PresBO is such a person: Van Jones who being under fire for his radical resigned his Green Job Czar position:
In an April 12, 2009 World Net Daily article titled “Will a “red” help blacks go green?” Aaron Klein reports that Jones himself stated in a 2005 interview his environmental activism was a means to fight for racial and class “justice,” and that he was a “rowdy black nationalist,” and a “communist.” More at: obamas-green-czar/
Interesting that PresBO is completely comfortable with Jones’ political objectives. Oh, I almost forgot it’s all about “Change you can believe in.”
Here’s the thing: there is a lot of anger within this administration. Anger with the freedoms this Country has fought for since the first Tea Party. There is anger with the, (dare I say it?) white folks. Yes I believe there are racially motivated agendas that motivate an underlying philosophical and political agenda.
Here’s the thing: This is not and never will be a “perfect union.” PresBO’s speech of March 2008 again plays the race card and attempts to diminish the intentions of The Constitution of The United States of America.
If the folks don’t like The United States of America and want to “Change” it, why don’t they go to a country that is more like what they are looking towards? Maybe France?
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