The Campaigner In Chief, Global Thespian In Chief, Rookie In Chief, Thinker In Chief and what ever else applies. We have a guy in the White house whose primary job description now makes it within his pay grade to be The Commander In Chief. I am truly embarrassed by his Personal Priorities being bassackwards.
Here’s the thing the situations in Afghanistan Iran are near critical. PresBO has spent more time with Letterman than he has with General McChrystal, who by the way he put in charge. One video conference with the general in 70 DAYS. Now need to scurry of to pitch the Olympics in Chicago. What the ^@!*! The WH said Iran’s actions are “provocative. Wow that’s has ‘em shakin’ in the sandals.
Speaking of the international stage, what the blazes is up with the United States footing the bills for most of the U.N. and their near total disrespect and in fact absence of support economically and militarily in global defense and catastrophic responses??????
And by the way it is so encouraging to know that PresBO is adored by the nut-job dictators in Iran and Venezuela. Although it is interesting that Hugo Chavez and Muammar al-Gaddafi and talking of forming their own version on the useless N.A.T.O. now in place/charge of placating. Look for “S.A.T.O..
One more thing: is this country being lead into “fundamental change” that will have us more like the thugs who endorse PresBO?
Oh wait a minute: how about the A.C.O.R.N. corruption and ties to S.E.I.U.? Tied to PresBO? Listen to his pre- inaugural promise to them.. He was their lawyer. How about his aide: “Patrick Gaspard, considered one of the most powerful figures in the Obama White House, is a "longtime ACORN operative" and former union official, according to a report posted Monday on the American Spectator's online blog.”
Oops, I almost forgot there was an example from someone about a $12 prescription in Canada.. True… I can’t help suggest that at least one reason RX is cheaper up north is due to Tax rates and Liability insurance.
We have hundreds of RX at $4 and even less than that. I would submit that indeed there are many exorbitant costs for RX drugs and medically related services. How about dealing with the circumstances that tend to drive such costs skyward? Like opening up across state lines to increase competition, tort reform, publish the costs of goods and services to name a few.
Oh one more thing, may more.
Cap and [TAX] Trade, Value Added Tax are on the runway on the hill. The Health Care Takeover that is ALWAYS on the FAST-TRACK but it won’t go into play until after the 2012 elections. Like the Stimulus Bill, also on the RUSH pass it yesterday, won’t be fully infused until after the 2010 elections. So of the Seven-Hundred-Eight-Six-BILLION, that’s almost One-Trillion Dollars, only between 6 & 8% has been infused.
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