Eight years ago Islamic Terrorists attacked the United States of America and brought down The Twin Towers. The Islamic Terrorists also commandeered an addition 2 commercial airplanes one aimed at the Pentagon and thanks to the bravery of civilian passengers additional destruction and the deaths of innocent civilians was far less than the Islamic Terrorists had promised Allah. What does it say about a deity and its followers that encourage “death?”
The Twin Towers rebuilding process is bogged down in political nonsense. One source claims that completion could be 20 or more years. What #$%@ is going on with the morons in charge of the process? Just another stellar example of politics at work. Not picking on PresBO there is so much corruption and placation to Special Interests, self promotion and power mongering ideology. Yikes! I need to explore this further and blog-it later on.
The proposed renaming to “Freedom Tower” was tossed out in the interest of “POLITICAL CORRECTNESS” fearing the some may be OFFENDED!” Gee-whiz, I wonder who might be offended? As for me anyone that would be offended in a big concern. Having a problem with “Freedom” is a problem with the United States of America.
Photos by 3Quarksdaily.com Posted by Azra Raza. Thank you.
Posted 911/09
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