Monday, September 28, 2009
Campaigner In Chief
The Campaigner In Chief, Global Thespian In Chief, Rookie In Chief, Thinker In Chief and what ever else applies. We have a guy in the White house whose primary job description now makes it within his pay grade to be The Commander In Chief. I am truly embarrassed by his Personal Priorities being bassackwards.
Here’s the thing the situations in Afghanistan Iran are near critical. PresBO has spent more time with Letterman than he has with General McChrystal, who by the way he put in charge. One video conference with the general in 70 DAYS. Now need to scurry of to pitch the Olympics in Chicago. What the ^@!*! The WH said Iran’s actions are “provocative. Wow that’s has ‘em shakin’ in the sandals.
Speaking of the international stage, what the blazes is up with the United States footing the bills for most of the U.N. and their near total disrespect and in fact absence of support economically and militarily in global defense and catastrophic responses??????
And by the way it is so encouraging to know that PresBO is adored by the nut-job dictators in Iran and Venezuela. Although it is interesting that Hugo Chavez and Muammar al-Gaddafi and talking of forming their own version on the useless N.A.T.O. now in place/charge of placating. Look for “S.A.T.O..
One more thing: is this country being lead into “fundamental change” that will have us more like the thugs who endorse PresBO?
Oh wait a minute: how about the A.C.O.R.N. corruption and ties to S.E.I.U.? Tied to PresBO? Listen to his pre- inaugural promise to them.. He was their lawyer. How about his aide: “Patrick Gaspard, considered one of the most powerful figures in the Obama White House, is a "longtime ACORN operative" and former union official, according to a report posted Monday on the American Spectator's online blog.”
Oops, I almost forgot there was an example from someone about a $12 prescription in Canada.. True… I can’t help suggest that at least one reason RX is cheaper up north is due to Tax rates and Liability insurance.
We have hundreds of RX at $4 and even less than that. I would submit that indeed there are many exorbitant costs for RX drugs and medically related services. How about dealing with the circumstances that tend to drive such costs skyward? Like opening up across state lines to increase competition, tort reform, publish the costs of goods and services to name a few.
Oh one more thing, may more.
Cap and [TAX] Trade, Value Added Tax are on the runway on the hill. The Health Care Takeover that is ALWAYS on the FAST-TRACK but it won’t go into play until after the 2012 elections. Like the Stimulus Bill, also on the RUSH pass it yesterday, won’t be fully infused until after the 2010 elections. So of the Seven-Hundred-Eight-Six-BILLION, that’s almost One-Trillion Dollars, only between 6 & 8% has been infused.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
democracy would lead to some kind of tyranny
Friday, September 25, 2009
The Ultimate Leader
I can't think of anyone more worthy of respect and emulation than Benjamin Netanyahu. His heart felt address to the U.N. was an unprecedented rebuke of certain world leaders. While PresBO was once again the apologised for the greatness of The United States of America I was uplifted and encouraged by the Israeli Prime Minister's courageous chastising "This June, President Obama visited the Buchenwald concentration camp. Did President Obama pay tribute to a lie?
And what of the Auschwitz survivors whose arms still bear the tattooed numbers branded on them by the Nazis? Are those tattoos a lie? One-third of all Jews perished in the conflagration. Nearly every Jewish family was affected, including my own. My wife's grandparents, her father’s two sisters and three brothers, and all the aunts, uncles and cousins were all murdered by the Nazis. Is that also a lie?
Yesterday, the man who calls the Holocaust a lie spoke from this podium. To those who refused to come here and to those who left this room in protest, I commend you. You stood up for moral clarity and you brought honor to your countries.
But to those who gave this Holocaust-denier a hearing, I say on behalf of my people, the Jewish people, and decent people everywhere: Have you no shame? Have you no decency?
A mere six decades after the Holocaust, you give legitimacy to a man who denies that the murder of six million Jews took place and pledges to wipe out the Jewish state.
What a disgrace! What a mockery of the charter of the United Nations! Perhaps some of you think that this man and his odious regime threaten only the Jews. You're wrong.
History has shown us time and again that what starts with attacks on the Jews eventually ends up engulfing many others."
If you did not see or hear Netanyahu plese do and even if you did surely you agree it it worthy of a standing ovation and a second go-around: Netanyahu’s UN speech: The video and transcript
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I'm not bending over for Obama
Someone actually offered the notion that the bureaucrats could do a better job than private business and that our healthcare system is inferior to others. First let me say it is not perfect but its is by action better.
Let's look at the facts, shall we. Where do folks go for the best possible care...Canada or Cuba? Not so much. England.. Nope. Africa or France? Not a chance. Oh I almost forgot: Mexico. Yea right. OK there may be a few desperate people who do indeed look for alternatives. There are very few who do and certainly not because tested treatments are not available here.
Fact is that while there is need for some improvement the Gov takeover is a problem not a solution. And speaking of private business: people don't flock to any country other more than the United States of America for a chance of a better life. Or do you know something I don't?
Personal stories of negative experiences with health care are interesting but not inspirational enough to justify this rush to a radical reform. Most stories lack reason and factual or logical support for the reform being argued for. Personal anecdotal stories while moving are not necessarily indicative of a broken system.
Personal circumstance warrant some consideration and in most cases serve more to validate the current system while pointing out some areas in need of improvement.
A personal experience of my own, one of many where I found the system in place to be not perfect but certainly not so damaged that it is in need of abandonment.
Years ago, when hospitals were being threatened with lawyer initiated action against them I was hit by a car and it was determined that I was under age and all treatment stopped. So did my heart for several minutes. By the Grace of God, as you witness, my heart began to beat again. I drowned twice and took a fall that could have cost me my mobility. From all those situations I have recovered and am grateful for the care I received.
Luck of the draw? What luck?
It is surely unfortunate when any insurance company has policies in place that deny coverage under certain situations. These accusations of such denials need to be first of all factual and then specifically addressed and reformed accordingly. PresBO was less than honest when he gave an example of a man whose insurance policy held up coverage resulting in his death. The fact is that while authorization for treatment was delayed it was only for a week or so.
The man lived. FOUR YEARS more. Please notice that I did NOT say “you Lie.”
Folks who have experienced denials need to honestly and accurately explain the entire circumstance and offer some form of resolution other than the broad brush change being offered that will surely lead to a Single Payer.
If you don’t know the probable ramifications of single payer i.e. Government Run health care ask.
With all due respect, please be aware that the Tax-Payers who support the system that makes it impossible or at least illegal to withhold critical care are the folks who pay for it. It is for that care that we should be grateful to the tax-payers. Just as there are hospitals better than others, there are insurance companies and policies better than others.
In the end it seems that our system not only works but is responsible for saving the lives of millions and that’s a good thing. Why don’t we tweak and improve what we know to a large extent works pretty darn good. Rather than turn it over to the bumbling bureaucrats who time and time again do not perform as promised.
I am open to hearing some fact based, economically sound ideas.
There are pros and cons in every account. What exactly is it that appeals to you in the proposed health/care/insurance reforms? And why?
For me: It seems that there is at least consensus on “costs” ranging from just under a TRILLION to nearly ONE and a HALF TRILLION DOLLARS. The economic consequences of a Trillion Dollar Health Care/Insurance reform will be catastrophic TRILLION DOLLARS. How much is a trillion dollars? TRILLION DOLLARS
The question is how are the Tax-Payers going to pay for it?
The FED cannot continue to just print money and think they can Monetize the debt.
How about starting where PresBO himself said on September 10, 2009 ““Reducing the waste and inefficiency in Medicare and Medicaid will pay for most of this plan.” Let’s do this first and see how well this condition is resolved. A condition that has apparently not been able to be resolved until the President vowed to do so. Powerful promise or empty rhetoric?
Some like the idea of having decisions made for them and some, like me, don’t.
With regard to the “Public Option,” Recent polls indicate a 64+/-% opposition to it.
I have seen stats that 85+/- % are satisfied with their current policy. This is likely not entirely true. I would suggest that of that 85+/-% 85+/-% think the cost is too high. Speaking for myself I would like to see costs reduced but not at the expense of quality of care.
There is already too much waste and fraud by the bureaucrats in D.C. and State offices.
What evidence is there that supports the notion that these guys (figuratively speaking) can run Health Care any where but in the ground and bankruptcy? The evidence is in history.
Dumb the good 'ol boys.
At the very least dump those with more than 6 years. Burris & a few other exceptions. Take a look at this site!
These, for the most part, old white guys, seated since the 50’s ! And even in the 60’s, 70’s 80’s and 90’s and the last decade! Too much time to establish buddy politics. Gee do you think Special Interest have a hand on these guys.. No doubt. Play games and remain blind to corrupt politics and realize the consequences of being complicit.
It will never happen in my lifetime but through "hope" "change" is made.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Never ever Never Forget
Eight years ago Islamic Terrorists attacked the United States of America and brought down The Twin Towers. The Islamic Terrorists also commandeered an addition 2 commercial airplanes one aimed at the Pentagon and thanks to the bravery of civilian passengers additional destruction and the deaths of innocent civilians was far less than the Islamic Terrorists had promised Allah. What does it say about a deity and its followers that encourage “death?”
The Twin Towers rebuilding process is bogged down in political nonsense. One source claims that completion could be 20 or more years. What #$%@ is going on with the morons in charge of the process? Just another stellar example of politics at work. Not picking on PresBO there is so much corruption and placation to Special Interests, self promotion and power mongering ideology. Yikes! I need to explore this further and blog-it later on.
The proposed renaming to “Freedom Tower” was tossed out in the interest of “POLITICAL CORRECTNESS” fearing the some may be OFFENDED!” Gee-whiz, I wonder who might be offended? As for me anyone that would be offended in a big concern. Having a problem with “Freedom” is a problem with the United States of America.
Photos by Posted by Azra Raza. Thank you.
Posted 911/09
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Stop the insanity in D.C..
If you value your Freedom, respect The Constitution and want the insanity in D.C. to STOP wake up and get involved. Do your own research and draw your own conclusions.
Can a family who for 20 actively attends a church that spews venomous anti-American doctrine be numb/dumb?
Can someone who closely associates with and commiserates with avowed communists and super left loons be anyone other that a radical?
Can someone who make global appearances apologizing for this Country be good for this country?
Look closely at ones adult past, recent actions and future ambitions.
Who and what is Barack Hussein Obama? In a word: DANGEROUS to the United States of America that I love.
This is, at least for the moment, The Greatest Nation in the history of the world.
Check the credentials of the folks this president holds close to himself and actually brings in to the inner circle. If you agree with the entirety of PresBO you are beyond help and will suffer the consequences the destruction of The United States of America.
Here are short bio’s on just two of PresBO’s pals: one of whom while resigned his Czar position now has another dangerous position.
#16 (of 30 something Oczars) Green Jobs Czar - Van Jones Google this guy for yourself.
Title: Special Adviser for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality
Salary: unknown
Reports to: Head of Council on Environmental Quality Nancy Sutley
Appointed: March 2009
Agency or department that might have handled similar issues: Environmental Protection Agency; Labor
• Will focus on environmentally-friendly employment within the administration and boost support for the idea nationwide
• Rose from near obscurity in the Oakland, Calif., grassroots organizing scene to the leader of a national movement to spur the green economy.
• Founded Green For All, an organization focused on creating green jobs in impoverished areas
• Also co-founder of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and Color of Change, which includes Bay Area PoliceWatch, a group devoted to "protect[ing] the community from police misconduct"
• Published New York Times best-seller The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems, in October 2008
• Started career as a prison-reform advocate in Oakland, Calif., lobbying for reform of the juvenile justice system and youth-violence prevention programs
• Has law degree from Yale
• 2007: worked on the Green Jobs Act with then-Rep. Hilda Solis (D-Calif.), who co-sponsored the bill in the House
• 1993: was arrested at the Los Angeles riots that followed the acquittal of cops in the Rodney King beating. "I was arrested simply for being a police observer," says Jones, who had just graduated from Yale Law School and was working with the Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights in San Francisco.
• 1999: was arrested in the 1999 Seattle protests against the World Trade Organization
• Excerpt from a Nov. 2005 interview in the East Bay Express:
Jones had planned to move to Washington, DC, and had already landed a job and an apartment there. But in jail, he said, "I met all these young radical people of color -- I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of.'" Although he already had a plane ticket, he decided to stay in San Francisco. "I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary." In the months that followed, he let go of any lingering thoughts that he might fit in with the status quo. "I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th," he said. "By August, I was a communist." In 1994, the young activists formed a socialist collective, Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM, which held study groups on the theories of Marx and Lenin and dreamed of a multiracial socialist utopia. They protested police brutality and got arrested for crashing through police barricades. In 1996, Jones decided to launch his own operation, which he named the Ella Baker Center after an unsung hero of the civil-rights movement.
Resigned September 4, 2009
23. (of 30 something Oczars) Regulatory Czar - Cass R. Sunstein *
Title: Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
Salary: unknown
Reports to: Office of Management and Budget head Peter Orszag
Appointed: January 2009
Nomination was sent to Senate on April 20, 2009 - action on the Floor now.
Agency that might have handled similar issues: OMB
• Will be responsible for reviewing draft regulations and assessing their costs and benefits
• Is a Harvard Law School professor; prior to that, was a professor at the Univ. of Chicago Law School (1981-2008)
• Academic specialties: constitutional law, administrative law, and regulatory policy
• Obama: "Cass is not only a valued advisor, he is a dear friend"
• Known for advancing a field called "law and behavioral economics" that seeks to shape law and policy around the way research shows people actually behave; though embraced by conservatives, critics say it fails to account for the sometimes less-than-rational aspects of human behavior.
• In his 2002 book,, discussed the drawbacks of limitless choices on the Internet that allow people to seek out only like-minded people and opinions that merely fortify their own views; he talked about the idea of the government requiring sites to link to opposing views. He later came to realize it was a "bad idea."
• In his 2004 book, Animal Rights, suggested that animals ought to be able to bring suit, with private citizens acting as their representatives, to ensure that animals are not treated in a way that violates current law.
• In a 2007 speech at Harvard he called for banning hunting in the U.S.
• The American Conservative Union started a website, Stop Sunstein, in an effort to keep him out of the White House.
There has never been anyone so far the left of the left with so much power. He has the potential to do massive damage to the economy and our Freedoms. READ up on this guy. He is super smart and super-super left!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Obama and the mush-melons
Here’s the thing: With regard to PresBO (President Barack Obama) addressing the schools of America my first reaction is here is our thespian leader seizing yet another opportunity to further his political agenda. Next, what if Bush wanted to do the same? No doubt in my mind the now Obama-Adoring media, then Bush-Hating media would have generated more hotly protesting press and outrage than the 9-11 attack on the then United States. Fundamentally though, my objection to the PresBO address is preemptive. In the interest of disclosure, I have no school-age mush-melons. Giving an opportunity to someone whose expressed views of America are such that he wants to “change,” “reshape” and “redistribute” so as to end up with a socialist/fascist regime and a Euro type Un-United States. Bottom line: the president wants to impose too much personal influence and promotion of his agenda. Yet another illustration of double standards and media bias.
Here’s the thing: I would not endorse a person, any person addressing my kids or yours who welcomes an avowed communist in to his inner circle. PresBO is such a person: Van Jones who being under fire for his radical resigned his Green Job Czar position:
In an April 12, 2009 World Net Daily article titled “Will a “red” help blacks go green?” Aaron Klein reports that Jones himself stated in a 2005 interview his environmental activism was a means to fight for racial and class “justice,” and that he was a “rowdy black nationalist,” and a “communist.” More at: obamas-green-czar/
Interesting that PresBO is completely comfortable with Jones’ political objectives. Oh, I almost forgot it’s all about “Change you can believe in.”
Here’s the thing: there is a lot of anger within this administration. Anger with the freedoms this Country has fought for since the first Tea Party. There is anger with the, (dare I say it?) white folks. Yes I believe there are racially motivated agendas that motivate an underlying philosophical and political agenda.
Here’s the thing: This is not and never will be a “perfect union.” PresBO’s speech of March 2008 again plays the race card and attempts to diminish the intentions of The Constitution of The United States of America.
If the folks don’t like The United States of America and want to “Change” it, why don’t they go to a country that is more like what they are looking towards? Maybe France?
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