PresBO has kicked it up yet another notch pushing “back twice as hard." By now you’ve heard about the Thugs Dispatched to Town Hall Meeting across the Country. The tactics being employed by this totalitarian regime to stifle the opposition are quite simply outrageous. PresBO is executing a well funded assault on the Freedoms of the American people. These attempts to intimidate and discourage any voice of disagreement clearly illuminate the ultimate objective of PresBO and his cronies …. CONTROL
Pieces of legislation being rubber stamped (with out even reading them) by the 3-stooges: Pelosi, Reid, and Dean (throw Chris Dodd is for good measure) are all about CONTROL.
The so-called Health Care Reform or maybe you prefer the latest title Health Insurance Reform is the ultimate Trojan Horse.
It is not about our health. It IS about CONTROL and HIGHER TAXES will be imposed on EVERYONE. Yes EVERYONE.
It is not about improving our quality of life. It IS about CONTROL and HIGHER TAXES will be imposed on EVERYONE. Yes EVERYONE.
It is not about the lowering costs. It IS about CONTROL and HIGHER TAXES will be imposed on EVERYONE. Yes EVERYONE.
It is not about improving the level of service. It IS about CONTROL and HIGHER TAXES will be imposed on EVERYONE. Yes EVERYONE.
When and if a B.O. bill passes and things happen like what come to pass in every thing the government gets their sticky fingers in. Most recently the Used Car business that experienced bottlenecks in just the first couple weeks. And oh yeah THE COST TRIPLED.
It is about CONTROL and higher taxes will be imposed on EVERYONE. Yes EVERYONE. The VAT, Value Added Tax, currently being considered and then of course the 2009 Cap And Tax (I mean Trade LOL) passed June 26. WE are ALL going to pay!
It IS about CONTROL and HIGHER TAXES will be imposed on EVERYONE. Yes EVERYONE. Even the deadbeats!
Single-Payer is NOT the best alternative but it is part of Obama’s plan.
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