Please choose your words carefully.
In this (FB)and other public forums, one will be judged, at least in part, by their ability to articulate their thoughts.
It is all too easy to substitute profanity when the scope of ones vocabulary and mental prowess is limited.
Ones misaligned sense of humor, anger, alcohol and just plain ignorance account for the majority of short cuts reverting to the use of a profane genre. There are however educated folks who habitually include profanity in their normal dialog, Maybe they think its’ cool?
As I struggle with finding the words that meet the “politically correct” barometer so as not to “offend” anyone; I’ll merely suggest folks try using words and phrases that actually express the thoughts intended on being communicated.
Speaking of “politically correct”
If you read between the political lines there are countless examples of “choosing words carefully.” In most cases the choice of a word or the structure of an answer are intentionally formed to mislead or convolute and distract. When have you heard a politician answer a question that could clearly and simply be answered “yes” or “no?” They wander of in to never-never-land and rarely give definitive answers.
Hans Hofmann: "The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak."
In listening to politicians is it rare to get an answer to a question with a definitive “yes” or “no.” Doing so would leave the respondent to committing to a definitive position. It seems to me that most politicians would rather straddle the fence. There are too few occasions when we get an absolute answer; one that is clear and concise.
By the way; I am not on any pedestal of grammar excellence. I too find myself falling of the language cliff all too often.
The English language is a complex collection of words and definitions and colloquial replacements, use them wisely and understand them thoroughly.
Posted 061609 Re posted & Edited August 6, 2009
Thanks to
Jennifer Magini
for the art
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