Keep in mind that many of the O-P-R-proposals that MUST PASS NOW won’t become effective until AFTER the next election…So what’s the rush???
The rush in specifically aimed at those morons who either can’t or won’t read HR-1200 or its modified version. Then, if it passes and I pray it doesn’t, the folks won’t feel the full impact ‘til after O gets another shot at the White-House.
Is it politically correct to call it the “White House?” That may be a bit racist.
Lets change the name to Anyone can be president, even if you don’t produce a certified birth certificate House? No, that’s too long—Mmmmm?
How about “The House Obama Destroyed?” No that’s too inflammatory.
Mmmmmm? “O-House of Thugs and Czars?”
The House that Destroyed America?” God, I hope not.
Take a look at PresBO’s Care Logo and that of Nazi Germany..
I’m telling you that if you value your freedom, if you value life itself the outrageous imposing of this fascist regime’s socialist practices has got to be stopped. The time to speak out is now, even as this administration tries to silence the opposition. All the more, we must not be silenced. There will be 2010 elections, which can turn the tide back to the values of the Founding Fathers and me, us.
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