Here’s the thing: remember several months ago I, and many others, warned that this administration was gong to “overwhelm the system.” Unless you’ve been comatose you have heard & seen the overwhelming in action. Don’t forget there are 3 groups of peoples: Looters, Moochers and producers. Which are you?
Looters, that’s the D.C. folks. Moochers, that’s the folks who think they are owed something. Then we have us producers. We are the ones that work for what we want and have and the ones that looters are fleecing.
While the looters were dancing the health care debacle changing names and number of pages they have come up with a mere 2000 page trillion-dollar deal for you. I mean for them to garnish another 1/6 of the economy and if they succeed will give D.C. control of nearly 48% of the G.D.P.! And it’s all for you, lower RX cost and better coverage. Yeah right. The more than 100-trillion dollar debt is unequivocally unsustainable. Oh, by the way; the Cap & Trade scam is a done deal. Grab your wallet on the way to your ankles. Oh. And how about attaching the addition of gays and rabbits to the Hate Crimes Bill.
By the way the way you may not know this but the GOP does have a plan. In fact they have submitted several option that have been categorically dismissed by the Dems. Just for kicks why not at least look at the GOP outline. It is……Get ready… A whapping FOUR pages:
All this liberal control grap is just dandy if you are anti-capitalist, which is your purgative but not mine.
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