Sunday, November 22, 2009

Trust me. I’m a politician

OK here's the thing; The Constitution of these United States is 17-19 pages, depending on the print.
The Government take-over of Health Insurance and 1/6 of the economy is some 2000 or so pages.
19 vs. 2000 Mmmmmm?
They have a lot to say about how THEY are going to “Fundamentally Change” this Nation.
Near as I can tell the Senate has taken the House Bill and made a few changes and additions. Around 4000,000 words. That’s FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND and they have just begun.
Now don’t get me wrong; I’m sure that there is some good stuff in there.
More importantly is the gross abuse of power and the ignoring of the people. They contend that we are not capable of making these decisions.
I agree at least in part. There are some folks who for some irrational reasoning decide to make bad health related decisions. Smoking, drugs and eating are just a couple examples.
This reform will do little to change bad behavior except tax and deny.
Speaking of “change” there seems to be a provision that there will be jail time for those who do not get health insurance under this legislation.
Of course that does NOT apply to the wise ones in congress. They will NOT take advantage of the bill they have so carefully crafted.
Mmmmmm? I wonder why they are keeping the plans they have?
By the way the final Bill will be loaded with entitlements having nothing to do with “health” and of course among those entitlements will be massive pay-offs to get the votes needed to pass this monstrosity of government control.
Read some and see the actual bureaucratic double speak. Google Library of Congress
Google the Health Reform Bills for yourself.
The gist of this take-over: more taxes, more government bureaucracy and control, redistribution of income, rationing of all services and drugs, and of course government driven dependency to assure the future of the democrat party.
A paltry TWO-Trillion Dollars, which is grossly underestimated and in fact the CBO numbers are a result of Tax NOW implement LATER manipulation.
Mmmmmm? I wonder if the elections have anything to do with the procrastination?
The impact of this, should it make it all the way, will be the beginning of the end of the United States as we know it today.
Let’s see the National debt today is over Twelve Trillion and climbing every second as observed by check it out at It is amazing.
How can we afford more debt?
According to the geniuses in D.C. we have to “spend our way out of debt.” Mmmmm?
That has never worked in my life but who am I to doubt?
Am I worried? Well I was until I prayed and put my trust in God.
After all, He is always in control and He certainly knows better that I.
Psalm 46:1 ..."God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 2 Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;"

Picture by graphic artist Duncan Long

Saturday, November 7, 2009

quintessence all about me campaigner in chief

When the quintessence all about me campaigner once again showed his shallow alignment with American values. PresBO yet again took center stage during a time of National tragedy and mourning to give a “shout out to members in attendance for Tribal Nations Conference. What an immature, insensitive moron. This president & his team are the most arrogant, self-centered bunch to ever try to destroy this Country.
This is also an example of what was likely fear of being accused of being prejudice or perish the thought “profiling.” on the part of in this case his superiors.
As for me; I have been fed up with the hate-filled bunch of religious fanatics for years. It is about time that the Islamic religion emphatically denounces the jihad and the retaliatory teachings of the quran. It seems the only justice in Islam is that means by which they must convert or kill their opposition. By their standards they may kill anyone who insults the prophet muhammad but desecrate Jesus Christ, that’s OK. *These fanatics are an intolerant bunch of cowards.
Equally I am fed up with the notion that we, that is the citizens of these United States of America, keep acquiescing to the absurd demands of the intolerant in general. That includes: gays, so called environmentalists, religious fanatics, and foreigners, i.e. those who live here and refuse to assimilate, atheists, agnostics i.e. those who are “offended” by God and want to obliterate any references accordingly.
Ahh but; I am of on yet another rabbit trail. To be continued another time.
November 7, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wait, I got a plan, why don’t we just, you know, raise taxes?

What are y'all on the "Left Coast" thinkin? How's that liberal bunch of looters working out for you now? This time thay only want 10%! What the %#@$!!!
Check this one:

By the way, This is what they are fixin to do with the Health Care takeover and Cap and Tax..

Called da doctor, woke 'em up..said DOCTOR

Is there something I can take to releive this belly-ache?
Speaking of doctors, are you familiar with the "Cloward/Piven Strategy of Economic Recovery? If you are looking for some clerity as to where this administration wants to take this Cpountry, PLEASE follow the link. This is real and serious and not where I want to wind up..

Picture from which is pretty cool and very informative.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The push continues

Disastrous Healthcare Reform Bill
By the left
Tell your U.S. Representative that you OPPOSE this absolutely unaffordable government takeover of healthcare!
Here’s the preview:
· The House of Representatives is expected to vote as early as this Friday on H.R. 3962,
Under the new, cleverly deceptive name “Affordable Health Care for America Act.
· The prior name and just over 1,000 pages pissed off many constituents resulting in the infamous August Town Hall Meetings.
· But alas; Speaker Pelosi wasn’t done yet. Her latest creation is just under 2,000 pages of regulatory and fiscal nightmares.
· H.R. 3962 poses a fundamental threat not only to our nation’s and your own financial health and prosperity, but to every American’s individual liberties and right to free choice!
· According to an initial estimate by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), H.R. 3962 will cost our country a minimum of $894 billion over 10 years.
· Robert Pear of The New York Times reported on October 30, “By the most commonly used yardstick, the bill would cost $1.05 trillion over 10 years.”
· Historically, healthcare programs have cost more than predicted -- in 1990 Medicare spending was nearly 10 times what was originally estimated in 1967 -- and this is the biggest healthcare plan in history.
· By the way, President Obama has said that his healthcare “reform” will cut costs in the long run, but CBO’s preliminary analysis of H.R. 3962 found that the bill would bend the federal cost curve for healthcare UP, not down.
· Of course HR 3962 is clearly not PresBO’s. Where is his reform? Oh yeah, it’s transparent.
· Seriously, America cannot afford even the minimum price tag for Speaker Pelosi’s healthcare scheme when the federal deficit stands at an all-time record and the national debt is projected to nearly double over the next 10 years.
· H.R. 3962 would also inflict a whole host of new taxes and costly mandates on individuals and businesses as American families struggle to make ends meet and unemployment approaches double digits.
· For example, the bill would impose an individual mandate tax of up to 2.5 percent of income on individuals earning as little as $9,350 who do not purchase “acceptable health care coverage.”
· The National Federation of Independent Business estimates that the employer mandate in H.R. 3962 will disproportionately affect small businesses, triggering up to 1.6 million lost jobs.
· The direct impact on families of all the new rules, regulations, and tax increases will be an additional $500 per year in the cost of insurance.
· Now if you ever had a reason to get your thong in a wad here are consider this:
o The financial burdens of this healthcare plan to our government, which is us, the tax payers, and the costs to American businesses, and our economy aren’t even the worst of it.
o The most dangerous part of Speaker Pelosi’s healthcare “reform” bill is that it paves the way to a complete government takeover of healthcare in this country that will dramatically expand the size of government; allow bureaucrats and politicians to dictate your choice of doctors, treatments, and medicines; and ration quality care to control costs.
o It also expands Medicaid to all individuals with incomes below 150 percent of the federal poverty level, an estimated 10 million Americans.
o President Obama has repeatedly vowed that "if you like your health plan, you can keep it,” but the so-called “public health insurance option” that Speaker Pelosi included in her bill at the urging of her pro-socialized medicine backers will quickly undermine private insurance by undercutting its costs.
o A study earlier this year by The Lewin Group, a respected economics consulting firm, projected that 83.4 million Americans would lose the private coverage they have today if a “public option” becomes law.
o On top of everything else, Speaker Pelosi proposes to pay, at least in part, for this government takeover of healthcare with massive cuts to Medicare.
o Those include more than $170 billion in cuts to Medicare Advantage Plans that will gut the program, forcing the more than 10 million seniors who opt for it back into traditional fee-for-service Medicare, which has higher out-of-pocket expenses. Make no mistake. With these cuts to Medicare coming as the Baby Boomers are retiring and the program is facing bankruptcy in just seven years, seniors will be the first to experience rationing and a decline in their quality of care!
o The goal of Speaker Pelosi and her pro-socialized medicine backers, including PresBO who specifically said so, is clear: to put all Americans under a single-payer, government-run healthcare system, like those in Canada and Great Britain, that will dictate our choice of doctors, treatments, and medicines and ration the care we can receive
· If we don’t succeed in blocking this very dangerous government takeover of our healthcare, you and I and all Americans will have no choice but to live under the mandates, restrictions, and rationing that federal bureaucrats and politicians in Washington will impose to curb costs.. Help us stop them!
It’s so crucially important that you tell your U.S. Representative to vote NO on H.R. 3962. Tell your U.S. Representative today to vote NO on this costly and dangerous government takeover of healthcare.

P.S. If you’re still not convinced that the real goal of Speaker Pelosi’s healthcare legislation is to force all Americans into a one-size-fits-all, government-run and rationed healthcare system, heed the words of Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), who said: “I think if we get a good public option, it could lead to single payer. And that’s the best way to get to single payer.” Please tell your U.S. Representative that America cannot afford and you do not want Speaker Pelosi’s misguided vision of healthcare “reform.”

This is a mcmodified version of an original of this that was an email from CAGW Citizens Against Government Waste
President Thomas A. Schatz

Monday, November 2, 2009

Looters Moochers and Producers

Here’s the thing: remember several months ago I, and many others, warned that this administration was gong to “overwhelm the system.” Unless you’ve been comatose you have heard & seen the overwhelming in action. Don’t forget there are 3 groups of peoples: Looters, Moochers and producers. Which are you?
Looters, that’s the D.C. folks. Moochers, that’s the folks who think they are owed something. Then we have us producers. We are the ones that work for what we want and have and the ones that looters are fleecing.
While the looters were dancing the health care debacle changing names and number of pages they have come up with a mere 2000 page trillion-dollar deal for you. I mean for them to garnish another 1/6 of the economy and if they succeed will give D.C. control of nearly 48% of the G.D.P.! And it’s all for you, lower RX cost and better coverage. Yeah right. The more than 100-trillion dollar debt is unequivocally unsustainable. Oh, by the way; the Cap & Trade scam is a done deal. Grab your wallet on the way to your ankles. Oh. And how about attaching the addition of gays and rabbits to the Hate Crimes Bill.
By the way the way you may not know this but the GOP does have a plan. In fact they have submitted several option that have been categorically dismissed by the Dems. Just for kicks why not at least look at the GOP outline. It is……Get ready… A whapping FOUR pages:

All this liberal control grap is just dandy if you are anti-capitalist, which is your purgative but not mine.