Sunday, November 22, 2009

Trust me. I’m a politician

OK here's the thing; The Constitution of these United States is 17-19 pages, depending on the print.
The Government take-over of Health Insurance and 1/6 of the economy is some 2000 or so pages.
19 vs. 2000 Mmmmmm?
They have a lot to say about how THEY are going to “Fundamentally Change” this Nation.
Near as I can tell the Senate has taken the House Bill and made a few changes and additions. Around 4000,000 words. That’s FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND and they have just begun.
Now don’t get me wrong; I’m sure that there is some good stuff in there.
More importantly is the gross abuse of power and the ignoring of the people. They contend that we are not capable of making these decisions.
I agree at least in part. There are some folks who for some irrational reasoning decide to make bad health related decisions. Smoking, drugs and eating are just a couple examples.
This reform will do little to change bad behavior except tax and deny.
Speaking of “change” there seems to be a provision that there will be jail time for those who do not get health insurance under this legislation.
Of course that does NOT apply to the wise ones in congress. They will NOT take advantage of the bill they have so carefully crafted.
Mmmmmm? I wonder why they are keeping the plans they have?
By the way the final Bill will be loaded with entitlements having nothing to do with “health” and of course among those entitlements will be massive pay-offs to get the votes needed to pass this monstrosity of government control.
Read some and see the actual bureaucratic double speak. Google Library of Congress
Google the Health Reform Bills for yourself.
The gist of this take-over: more taxes, more government bureaucracy and control, redistribution of income, rationing of all services and drugs, and of course government driven dependency to assure the future of the democrat party.
A paltry TWO-Trillion Dollars, which is grossly underestimated and in fact the CBO numbers are a result of Tax NOW implement LATER manipulation.
Mmmmmm? I wonder if the elections have anything to do with the procrastination?
The impact of this, should it make it all the way, will be the beginning of the end of the United States as we know it today.
Let’s see the National debt today is over Twelve Trillion and climbing every second as observed by check it out at It is amazing.
How can we afford more debt?
According to the geniuses in D.C. we have to “spend our way out of debt.” Mmmmm?
That has never worked in my life but who am I to doubt?
Am I worried? Well I was until I prayed and put my trust in God.
After all, He is always in control and He certainly knows better that I.
Psalm 46:1 ..."God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. 2 Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;"

Picture by graphic artist Duncan Long

Saturday, November 7, 2009

quintessence all about me campaigner in chief

When the quintessence all about me campaigner once again showed his shallow alignment with American values. PresBO yet again took center stage during a time of National tragedy and mourning to give a “shout out to members in attendance for Tribal Nations Conference. What an immature, insensitive moron. This president & his team are the most arrogant, self-centered bunch to ever try to destroy this Country.
This is also an example of what was likely fear of being accused of being prejudice or perish the thought “profiling.” on the part of in this case his superiors.
As for me; I have been fed up with the hate-filled bunch of religious fanatics for years. It is about time that the Islamic religion emphatically denounces the jihad and the retaliatory teachings of the quran. It seems the only justice in Islam is that means by which they must convert or kill their opposition. By their standards they may kill anyone who insults the prophet muhammad but desecrate Jesus Christ, that’s OK. *These fanatics are an intolerant bunch of cowards.
Equally I am fed up with the notion that we, that is the citizens of these United States of America, keep acquiescing to the absurd demands of the intolerant in general. That includes: gays, so called environmentalists, religious fanatics, and foreigners, i.e. those who live here and refuse to assimilate, atheists, agnostics i.e. those who are “offended” by God and want to obliterate any references accordingly.
Ahh but; I am of on yet another rabbit trail. To be continued another time.
November 7, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wait, I got a plan, why don’t we just, you know, raise taxes?

What are y'all on the "Left Coast" thinkin? How's that liberal bunch of looters working out for you now? This time thay only want 10%! What the %#@$!!!
Check this one:

By the way, This is what they are fixin to do with the Health Care takeover and Cap and Tax..

Called da doctor, woke 'em up..said DOCTOR

Is there something I can take to releive this belly-ache?
Speaking of doctors, are you familiar with the "Cloward/Piven Strategy of Economic Recovery? If you are looking for some clerity as to where this administration wants to take this Cpountry, PLEASE follow the link. This is real and serious and not where I want to wind up..

Picture from which is pretty cool and very informative.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The push continues

Disastrous Healthcare Reform Bill
By the left
Tell your U.S. Representative that you OPPOSE this absolutely unaffordable government takeover of healthcare!
Here’s the preview:
· The House of Representatives is expected to vote as early as this Friday on H.R. 3962,
Under the new, cleverly deceptive name “Affordable Health Care for America Act.
· The prior name and just over 1,000 pages pissed off many constituents resulting in the infamous August Town Hall Meetings.
· But alas; Speaker Pelosi wasn’t done yet. Her latest creation is just under 2,000 pages of regulatory and fiscal nightmares.
· H.R. 3962 poses a fundamental threat not only to our nation’s and your own financial health and prosperity, but to every American’s individual liberties and right to free choice!
· According to an initial estimate by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), H.R. 3962 will cost our country a minimum of $894 billion over 10 years.
· Robert Pear of The New York Times reported on October 30, “By the most commonly used yardstick, the bill would cost $1.05 trillion over 10 years.”
· Historically, healthcare programs have cost more than predicted -- in 1990 Medicare spending was nearly 10 times what was originally estimated in 1967 -- and this is the biggest healthcare plan in history.
· By the way, President Obama has said that his healthcare “reform” will cut costs in the long run, but CBO’s preliminary analysis of H.R. 3962 found that the bill would bend the federal cost curve for healthcare UP, not down.
· Of course HR 3962 is clearly not PresBO’s. Where is his reform? Oh yeah, it’s transparent.
· Seriously, America cannot afford even the minimum price tag for Speaker Pelosi’s healthcare scheme when the federal deficit stands at an all-time record and the national debt is projected to nearly double over the next 10 years.
· H.R. 3962 would also inflict a whole host of new taxes and costly mandates on individuals and businesses as American families struggle to make ends meet and unemployment approaches double digits.
· For example, the bill would impose an individual mandate tax of up to 2.5 percent of income on individuals earning as little as $9,350 who do not purchase “acceptable health care coverage.”
· The National Federation of Independent Business estimates that the employer mandate in H.R. 3962 will disproportionately affect small businesses, triggering up to 1.6 million lost jobs.
· The direct impact on families of all the new rules, regulations, and tax increases will be an additional $500 per year in the cost of insurance.
· Now if you ever had a reason to get your thong in a wad here are consider this:
o The financial burdens of this healthcare plan to our government, which is us, the tax payers, and the costs to American businesses, and our economy aren’t even the worst of it.
o The most dangerous part of Speaker Pelosi’s healthcare “reform” bill is that it paves the way to a complete government takeover of healthcare in this country that will dramatically expand the size of government; allow bureaucrats and politicians to dictate your choice of doctors, treatments, and medicines; and ration quality care to control costs.
o It also expands Medicaid to all individuals with incomes below 150 percent of the federal poverty level, an estimated 10 million Americans.
o President Obama has repeatedly vowed that "if you like your health plan, you can keep it,” but the so-called “public health insurance option” that Speaker Pelosi included in her bill at the urging of her pro-socialized medicine backers will quickly undermine private insurance by undercutting its costs.
o A study earlier this year by The Lewin Group, a respected economics consulting firm, projected that 83.4 million Americans would lose the private coverage they have today if a “public option” becomes law.
o On top of everything else, Speaker Pelosi proposes to pay, at least in part, for this government takeover of healthcare with massive cuts to Medicare.
o Those include more than $170 billion in cuts to Medicare Advantage Plans that will gut the program, forcing the more than 10 million seniors who opt for it back into traditional fee-for-service Medicare, which has higher out-of-pocket expenses. Make no mistake. With these cuts to Medicare coming as the Baby Boomers are retiring and the program is facing bankruptcy in just seven years, seniors will be the first to experience rationing and a decline in their quality of care!
o The goal of Speaker Pelosi and her pro-socialized medicine backers, including PresBO who specifically said so, is clear: to put all Americans under a single-payer, government-run healthcare system, like those in Canada and Great Britain, that will dictate our choice of doctors, treatments, and medicines and ration the care we can receive
· If we don’t succeed in blocking this very dangerous government takeover of our healthcare, you and I and all Americans will have no choice but to live under the mandates, restrictions, and rationing that federal bureaucrats and politicians in Washington will impose to curb costs.. Help us stop them!
It’s so crucially important that you tell your U.S. Representative to vote NO on H.R. 3962. Tell your U.S. Representative today to vote NO on this costly and dangerous government takeover of healthcare.

P.S. If you’re still not convinced that the real goal of Speaker Pelosi’s healthcare legislation is to force all Americans into a one-size-fits-all, government-run and rationed healthcare system, heed the words of Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), who said: “I think if we get a good public option, it could lead to single payer. And that’s the best way to get to single payer.” Please tell your U.S. Representative that America cannot afford and you do not want Speaker Pelosi’s misguided vision of healthcare “reform.”

This is a mcmodified version of an original of this that was an email from CAGW Citizens Against Government Waste
President Thomas A. Schatz

Monday, November 2, 2009

Looters Moochers and Producers

Here’s the thing: remember several months ago I, and many others, warned that this administration was gong to “overwhelm the system.” Unless you’ve been comatose you have heard & seen the overwhelming in action. Don’t forget there are 3 groups of peoples: Looters, Moochers and producers. Which are you?
Looters, that’s the D.C. folks. Moochers, that’s the folks who think they are owed something. Then we have us producers. We are the ones that work for what we want and have and the ones that looters are fleecing.
While the looters were dancing the health care debacle changing names and number of pages they have come up with a mere 2000 page trillion-dollar deal for you. I mean for them to garnish another 1/6 of the economy and if they succeed will give D.C. control of nearly 48% of the G.D.P.! And it’s all for you, lower RX cost and better coverage. Yeah right. The more than 100-trillion dollar debt is unequivocally unsustainable. Oh, by the way; the Cap & Trade scam is a done deal. Grab your wallet on the way to your ankles. Oh. And how about attaching the addition of gays and rabbits to the Hate Crimes Bill.
By the way the way you may not know this but the GOP does have a plan. In fact they have submitted several option that have been categorically dismissed by the Dems. Just for kicks why not at least look at the GOP outline. It is……Get ready… A whapping FOUR pages:

All this liberal control grap is just dandy if you are anti-capitalist, which is your purgative but not mine.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Wake Up Now or else.....

Wake up now or else you'll wake up one morning to the "Transformed America." This administration is not messing around. They are undertaking a complete redo of the Constitution and the United States of America as we know it. If you are OK with a socialist or fascist government and a Global constitution that penalizes this country then you can go with the flow.
If on the other hand you cherish your freedoms, respect and honor our Constitution you need to wake up before it is too late.
This administration is stripping away our freedoms starting with the 1st and 2nd Amendments.
If the ObamaHealthInsurance Takeover is just the tip or the sickle. PresBO and his cronies have instructed the "mainstream media" to NOT copy Fox as they are the enemy. PresBO does NOT want you to watch Fox for fear you'll get the truth about what they are up to.
I'll have more on this in a day or so but in the mean time DO NOT watch Fox 'cause PresBO said so.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Afghanistan answer for PresBO

Here’s the thing:
There is much being bandied about what PresBO should do and when should he do what ever it is he is or is not going to do. The left stands firmly wishy-washy as usual. Despite PresBO in March stating he had a plan he needs time to consider, actually reconsider. General McChrystal, his guy, has told PresBO that he/we need 40,000 additional troops and sufficient additional equipment. PresBO’s position… position.
By the way it was PresBO who said Afghanistan is a war of necessity and I agree.
The folks on the right are saying give the General what he needs now. Again the Administration argues that given the questionable (fraud) results of the recent election he/PresBO and us/the Troops need to have a plan.
The Commander In Chief, whose PRIMARY responsibility is delineated in the title, has NO PLAN.
As for dealing with a “corrupt” government; hells bells we have one now and have for decades. That has not until now left us in the military limbo we now unnecessarily find ourselves.
OK geniuses I am no military guru and certainly find it “above my pay grade” but just a little common sense makes the solution something that has eluded the pundants on the right and the left as well as the opinion talk show contributors.
Here’s the thing. There are several conditions and circumstances we knew going in to Afghanistan and certainly if I can figure it out the folks whose pay grade it in should have known. One, there was a political government in place and we knew there was an election in the very near future. An election that stood a very good chance of corruption influencing the outcome. Hope a one might it would have been less than prudent to have Pollyanna disposition and matching military plan. Note there is no plurality in plan.
1. There should be a plan for advancement if the governing power remained unchanged.
2. There should also be a plan to deal with a possibly corrupted election process including any electoral transition process.
3. There should be a plan for continuing while a hostile and or corrupt governing power is in place.
4. A plan should also be in place if a democratic election process yields a legitimate President.
It seems to me that for the most part dealing with any and all of the foregoing scenarios would be a matter of politics and diplomacy. Any tactical combat action could be adapted accordingly with varied scenarios. An unchanged initial tactical offense calculations involving engaging the enemy should be singularly motivated by ultimate objective of winning the war.
Now then, if this were within my pay grade I would have been dealing with these scenarios for years and making the appropriate decision in a timely manner would be forthcoming. If on the other hand, as PresBO pointed out last September, he does not know much about life.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Campaigner In Chief

The Campaigner In Chief, Global Thespian In Chief, Rookie In Chief, Thinker In Chief and what ever else applies. We have a guy in the White house whose primary job description now makes it within his pay grade to be The Commander In Chief. I am truly embarrassed by his Personal Priorities being bassackwards.
Here’s the thing the situations in Afghanistan Iran are near critical. PresBO has spent more time with Letterman than he has with General McChrystal, who by the way he put in charge. One video conference with the general in 70 DAYS. Now need to scurry of to pitch the Olympics in Chicago. What the ^@!*! The WH said Iran’s actions are “provocative. Wow that’s has ‘em shakin’ in the sandals.
Speaking of the international stage, what the blazes is up with the United States footing the bills for most of the U.N. and their near total disrespect and in fact absence of support economically and militarily in global defense and catastrophic responses??????
And by the way it is so encouraging to know that PresBO is adored by the nut-job dictators in Iran and Venezuela. Although it is interesting that Hugo Chavez and Muammar al-Gaddafi and talking of forming their own version on the useless N.A.T.O. now in place/charge of placating. Look for “S.A.T.O..
One more thing: is this country being lead into “fundamental change” that will have us more like the thugs who endorse PresBO?
Oh wait a minute: how about the A.C.O.R.N. corruption and ties to S.E.I.U.? Tied to PresBO? Listen to his pre- inaugural promise to them.. He was their lawyer. How about his aide: “Patrick Gaspard, considered one of the most powerful figures in the Obama White House, is a "longtime ACORN operative" and former union official, according to a report posted Monday on the American Spectator's online blog.”

Oops, I almost forgot there was an example from someone about a $12 prescription in Canada.. True… I can’t help suggest that at least one reason RX is cheaper up north is due to Tax rates and Liability insurance.
We have hundreds of RX at $4 and even less than that. I would submit that indeed there are many exorbitant costs for RX drugs and medically related services. How about dealing with the circumstances that tend to drive such costs skyward? Like opening up across state lines to increase competition, tort reform, publish the costs of goods and services to name a few.
Oh one more thing, may more.
Cap and [TAX] Trade, Value Added Tax are on the runway on the hill. The Health Care Takeover that is ALWAYS on the FAST-TRACK but it won’t go into play until after the 2012 elections. Like the Stimulus Bill, also on the RUSH pass it yesterday, won’t be fully infused until after the 2010 elections. So of the Seven-Hundred-Eight-Six-BILLION, that’s almost One-Trillion Dollars, only between 6 & 8% has been infused.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

democracy would lead to some kind of tyranny

"The Founders knew that a democracy would lead to some kind of tyranny. The term democracy appears in none of our Founding documents. Their vision for us was a Republic and limited government."
~Walter Williams

Friday, September 25, 2009

The Ultimate Leader

I can't think of anyone more worthy of respect and emulation than Benjamin Netanyahu. His heart felt address to the U.N. was an unprecedented rebuke of certain world leaders. While PresBO was once again the apologised for the greatness of The United States of America I was uplifted and encouraged by the Israeli Prime Minister's courageous chastising "This June, President Obama visited the Buchenwald concentration camp. Did President Obama pay tribute to a lie?

And what of the Auschwitz survivors whose arms still bear the tattooed numbers branded on them by the Nazis? Are those tattoos a lie? One-third of all Jews perished in the conflagration. Nearly every Jewish family was affected, including my own. My wife's grandparents, her father’s two sisters and three brothers, and all the aunts, uncles and cousins were all murdered by the Nazis. Is that also a lie?

Yesterday, the man who calls the Holocaust a lie spoke from this podium. To those who refused to come here and to those who left this room in protest, I commend you. You stood up for moral clarity and you brought honor to your countries.

But to those who gave this Holocaust-denier a hearing, I say on behalf of my people, the Jewish people, and decent people everywhere: Have you no shame? Have you no decency?

A mere six decades after the Holocaust, you give legitimacy to a man who denies that the murder of six million Jews took place and pledges to wipe out the Jewish state.

What a disgrace! What a mockery of the charter of the United Nations! Perhaps some of you think that this man and his odious regime threaten only the Jews. You're wrong.

History has shown us time and again that what starts with attacks on the Jews eventually ends up engulfing many others."

If you did not see or hear Netanyahu plese do and even if you did surely you agree it it worthy of a standing ovation and a second go-around: Netanyahu’s UN speech: The video and transcript

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I'm not bending over for Obama

Someone actually offered the notion that the bureaucrats could do a better job than private business and that our healthcare system is inferior to others. First let me say it is not perfect but its is by action better.
Let's look at the facts, shall we. Where do folks go for the best possible care...Canada or Cuba? Not so much. England.. Nope. Africa or France? Not a chance. Oh I almost forgot: Mexico. Yea right. OK there may be a few desperate people who do indeed look for alternatives. There are very few who do and certainly not because tested treatments are not available here.
Fact is that while there is need for some improvement the Gov takeover is a problem not a solution. And speaking of private business: people don't flock to any country other more than the United States of America for a chance of a better life. Or do you know something I don't?

Personal stories of negative experiences with health care are interesting but not inspirational enough to justify this rush to a radical reform. Most stories lack reason and factual or logical support for the reform being argued for. Personal anecdotal stories while moving are not necessarily indicative of a broken system.
Personal circumstance warrant some consideration and in most cases serve more to validate the current system while pointing out some areas in need of improvement.

A personal experience of my own, one of many where I found the system in place to be not perfect but certainly not so damaged that it is in need of abandonment.
Years ago, when hospitals were being threatened with lawyer initiated action against them I was hit by a car and it was determined that I was under age and all treatment stopped. So did my heart for several minutes. By the Grace of God, as you witness, my heart began to beat again. I drowned twice and took a fall that could have cost me my mobility. From all those situations I have recovered and am grateful for the care I received.
Luck of the draw? What luck?

It is surely unfortunate when any insurance company has policies in place that deny coverage under certain situations. These accusations of such denials need to be first of all factual and then specifically addressed and reformed accordingly. PresBO was less than honest when he gave an example of a man whose insurance policy held up coverage resulting in his death. The fact is that while authorization for treatment was delayed it was only for a week or so.
The man lived. FOUR YEARS more. Please notice that I did NOT say “you Lie.”

Folks who have experienced denials need to honestly and accurately explain the entire circumstance and offer some form of resolution other than the broad brush change being offered that will surely lead to a Single Payer.

If you don’t know the probable ramifications of single payer i.e. Government Run health care ask.
With all due respect, please be aware that the Tax-Payers who support the system that makes it impossible or at least illegal to withhold critical care are the folks who pay for it. It is for that care that we should be grateful to the tax-payers. Just as there are hospitals better than others, there are insurance companies and policies better than others.
In the end it seems that our system not only works but is responsible for saving the lives of millions and that’s a good thing. Why don’t we tweak and improve what we know to a large extent works pretty darn good. Rather than turn it over to the bumbling bureaucrats who time and time again do not perform as promised.
I am open to hearing some fact based, economically sound ideas.

There are pros and cons in every account. What exactly is it that appeals to you in the proposed health/care/insurance reforms? And why?

For me: It seems that there is at least consensus on “costs” ranging from just under a TRILLION to nearly ONE and a HALF TRILLION DOLLARS. The economic consequences of a Trillion Dollar Health Care/Insurance reform will be catastrophic TRILLION DOLLARS. How much is a trillion dollars? TRILLION DOLLARS
The question is how are the Tax-Payers going to pay for it?
The FED cannot continue to just print money and think they can Monetize the debt.

How about starting where PresBO himself said on September 10, 2009 ““Reducing the waste and inefficiency in Medicare and Medicaid will pay for most of this plan.” Let’s do this first and see how well this condition is resolved. A condition that has apparently not been able to be resolved until the President vowed to do so. Powerful promise or empty rhetoric?

Some like the idea of having decisions made for them and some, like me, don’t.
With regard to the “Public Option,” Recent polls indicate a 64+/-% opposition to it.
I have seen stats that 85+/- % are satisfied with their current policy. This is likely not entirely true. I would suggest that of that 85+/-% 85+/-% think the cost is too high. Speaking for myself I would like to see costs reduced but not at the expense of quality of care.
There is already too much waste and fraud by the bureaucrats in D.C. and State offices.
What evidence is there that supports the notion that these guys (figuratively speaking) can run Health Care any where but in the ground and bankruptcy? The evidence is in history.

Dumb the good 'ol boys.

At the very least dump those with more than 6 years. Burris & a few other exceptions. Take a look at this site!
These, for the most part, old white guys, seated since the 50’s ! And even in the 60’s, 70’s 80’s and 90’s and the last decade! Too much time to establish buddy politics. Gee do you think Special Interest have a hand on these guys.. No doubt. Play games and remain blind to corrupt politics and realize the consequences of being complicit.
It will never happen in my lifetime but through "hope" "change" is made.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Never ever Never Forget

Eight years ago Islamic Terrorists attacked the United States of America and brought down The Twin Towers. The Islamic Terrorists also commandeered an addition 2 commercial airplanes one aimed at the Pentagon and thanks to the bravery of civilian passengers additional destruction and the deaths of innocent civilians was far less than the Islamic Terrorists had promised Allah. What does it say about a deity and its followers that encourage “death?”
The Twin Towers rebuilding process is bogged down in political nonsense. One source claims that completion could be 20 or more years. What #$%@ is going on with the morons in charge of the process? Just another stellar example of politics at work. Not picking on PresBO there is so much corruption and placation to Special Interests, self promotion and power mongering ideology. Yikes! I need to explore this further and blog-it later on.
The proposed renaming to “Freedom Tower” was tossed out in the interest of “POLITICAL CORRECTNESS” fearing the some may be OFFENDED!” Gee-whiz, I wonder who might be offended? As for me anyone that would be offended in a big concern. Having a problem with “Freedom” is a problem with the United States of America.
Photos by Posted by Azra Raza. Thank you.
Posted 911/09

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Need I say more? Oh yea but I'm too tired and overwhelmed. There is so much to say about the master of mis-direction and mathematically challenged PresBO.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Stop the insanity in D.C..

If you value your Freedom, respect The Constitution and want the insanity in D.C. to STOP wake up and get involved. Do your own research and draw your own conclusions.
Can a family who for 20 actively attends a church that spews venomous anti-American doctrine be numb/dumb?
Can someone who closely associates with and commiserates with avowed communists and super left loons be anyone other that a radical?
Can someone who make global appearances apologizing for this Country be good for this country?
Look closely at ones adult past, recent actions and future ambitions.
Who and what is Barack Hussein Obama? In a word: DANGEROUS to the United States of America that I love.
This is, at least for the moment, The Greatest Nation in the history of the world.
Check the credentials of the folks this president holds close to himself and actually brings in to the inner circle. If you agree with the entirety of PresBO you are beyond help and will suffer the consequences the destruction of The United States of America.
Here are short bio’s on just two of PresBO’s pals: one of whom while resigned his Czar position now has another dangerous position.

#16 (of 30 something Oczars) Green Jobs Czar - Van Jones Google this guy for yourself.
Title: Special Adviser for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality
Salary: unknown
Reports to: Head of Council on Environmental Quality Nancy Sutley
Appointed: March 2009
Agency or department that might have handled similar issues: Environmental Protection Agency; Labor
• Will focus on environmentally-friendly employment within the administration and boost support for the idea nationwide
• Rose from near obscurity in the Oakland, Calif., grassroots organizing scene to the leader of a national movement to spur the green economy.
• Founded Green For All, an organization focused on creating green jobs in impoverished areas
• Also co-founder of the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and Color of Change, which includes Bay Area PoliceWatch, a group devoted to "protect[ing] the community from police misconduct"
• Published New York Times best-seller The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems, in October 2008
• Started career as a prison-reform advocate in Oakland, Calif., lobbying for reform of the juvenile justice system and youth-violence prevention programs
• Has law degree from Yale
• 2007: worked on the Green Jobs Act with then-Rep. Hilda Solis (D-Calif.), who co-sponsored the bill in the House
• 1993: was arrested at the Los Angeles riots that followed the acquittal of cops in the Rodney King beating. "I was arrested simply for being a police observer," says Jones, who had just graduated from Yale Law School and was working with the Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights in San Francisco.
• 1999: was arrested in the 1999 Seattle protests against the World Trade Organization
• Excerpt from a Nov. 2005 interview in the East Bay Express:
Jones had planned to move to Washington, DC, and had already landed a job and an apartment there. But in jail, he said, "I met all these young radical people of color -- I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of.'" Although he already had a plane ticket, he decided to stay in San Francisco. "I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary." In the months that followed, he let go of any lingering thoughts that he might fit in with the status quo. "I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th," he said. "By August, I was a communist." In 1994, the young activists formed a socialist collective, Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM, which held study groups on the theories of Marx and Lenin and dreamed of a multiracial socialist utopia. They protested police brutality and got arrested for crashing through police barricades. In 1996, Jones decided to launch his own operation, which he named the Ella Baker Center after an unsung hero of the civil-rights movement.
Resigned September 4, 2009

23. (of 30 something Oczars) Regulatory Czar - Cass R. Sunstein *

Title: Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
Salary: unknown
Reports to: Office of Management and Budget head Peter Orszag
Appointed: January 2009
Nomination was sent to Senate on April 20, 2009 - action on the Floor now.
Agency that might have handled similar issues: OMB
• Will be responsible for reviewing draft regulations and assessing their costs and benefits
• Is a Harvard Law School professor; prior to that, was a professor at the Univ. of Chicago Law School (1981-2008)
• Academic specialties: constitutional law, administrative law, and regulatory policy
• Obama: "Cass is not only a valued advisor, he is a dear friend"
• Known for advancing a field called "law and behavioral economics" that seeks to shape law and policy around the way research shows people actually behave; though embraced by conservatives, critics say it fails to account for the sometimes less-than-rational aspects of human behavior.
• In his 2002 book,, discussed the drawbacks of limitless choices on the Internet that allow people to seek out only like-minded people and opinions that merely fortify their own views; he talked about the idea of the government requiring sites to link to opposing views. He later came to realize it was a "bad idea."
• In his 2004 book, Animal Rights, suggested that animals ought to be able to bring suit, with private citizens acting as their representatives, to ensure that animals are not treated in a way that violates current law.
• In a 2007 speech at Harvard he called for banning hunting in the U.S.
• The American Conservative Union started a website, Stop Sunstein, in an effort to keep him out of the White House.
There has never been anyone so far the left of the left with so much power. He has the potential to do massive damage to the economy and our Freedoms. READ up on this guy. He is super smart and super-super left!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Obama and the mush-melons

Here’s the thing: With regard to PresBO (President Barack Obama) addressing the schools of America my first reaction is here is our thespian leader seizing yet another opportunity to further his political agenda. Next, what if Bush wanted to do the same? No doubt in my mind the now Obama-Adoring media, then Bush-Hating media would have generated more hotly protesting press and outrage than the 9-11 attack on the then United States. Fundamentally though, my objection to the PresBO address is preemptive. In the interest of disclosure, I have no school-age mush-melons. Giving an opportunity to someone whose expressed views of America are such that he wants to “change,” “reshape” and “redistribute” so as to end up with a socialist/fascist regime and a Euro type Un-United States. Bottom line: the president wants to impose too much personal influence and promotion of his agenda. Yet another illustration of double standards and media bias.
Here’s the thing: I would not endorse a person, any person addressing my kids or yours who welcomes an avowed communist in to his inner circle. PresBO is such a person: Van Jones who being under fire for his radical resigned his Green Job Czar position:
In an April 12, 2009 World Net Daily article titled “Will a “red” help blacks go green?” Aaron Klein reports that Jones himself stated in a 2005 interview his environmental activism was a means to fight for racial and class “justice,” and that he was a “rowdy black nationalist,” and a “communist.” More at: obamas-green-czar/
Interesting that PresBO is completely comfortable with Jones’ political objectives. Oh, I almost forgot it’s all about “Change you can believe in.”
Here’s the thing: there is a lot of anger within this administration. Anger with the freedoms this Country has fought for since the first Tea Party. There is anger with the, (dare I say it?) white folks. Yes I believe there are racially motivated agendas that motivate an underlying philosophical and political agenda.
Here’s the thing: This is not and never will be a “perfect union.” PresBO’s speech of March 2008 again plays the race card and attempts to diminish the intentions of The Constitution of The United States of America.
If the folks don’t like The United States of America and want to “Change” it, why don’t they go to a country that is more like what they are looking towards? Maybe France?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Keep in mind that many of the O-P-R-proposals that MUST PASS NOW won’t become effective until AFTER the next election…So what’s the rush???
The rush in specifically aimed at those morons who either can’t or won’t read HR-1200 or its modified version. Then, if it passes and I pray it doesn’t, the folks won’t feel the full impact ‘til after O gets another shot at the White-House.
Is it politically correct to call it the “White House?” That may be a bit racist.
Lets change the name to Anyone can be president, even if you don’t produce a certified birth certificate House? No, that’s too long—Mmmmm?
How about “The House Obama Destroyed?” No that’s too inflammatory.
Mmmmmm? “O-House of Thugs and Czars?”
The House that Destroyed America?” God, I hope not.
Take a look at PresBO’s Care Logo and that of Nazi Germany..
I’m telling you that if you value your freedom, if you value life itself the outrageous imposing of this fascist regime’s socialist practices has got to be stopped. The time to speak out is now, even as this administration tries to silence the opposition. All the more, we must not be silenced. There will be 2010 elections, which can turn the tide back to the values of the Founding Fathers and me, us.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

PresBO is executing ......the American people.

PresBO has kicked it up yet another notch pushing “back twice as hard." By now you’ve heard about the Thugs Dispatched to Town Hall Meeting across the Country. The tactics being employed by this totalitarian regime to stifle the opposition are quite simply outrageous. PresBO is executing a well funded assault on the Freedoms of the American people. These attempts to intimidate and discourage any voice of disagreement clearly illuminate the ultimate objective of PresBO and his cronies …. CONTROL
Pieces of legislation being rubber stamped (with out even reading them) by the 3-stooges: Pelosi, Reid, and Dean (throw Chris Dodd is for good measure) are all about CONTROL.
The so-called Health Care Reform or maybe you prefer the latest title Health Insurance Reform is the ultimate Trojan Horse.
It is not about our health. It IS about CONTROL and HIGHER TAXES will be imposed on EVERYONE. Yes EVERYONE.
It is not about improving our quality of life. It IS about CONTROL and HIGHER TAXES will be imposed on EVERYONE. Yes EVERYONE.
It is not about the lowering costs. It IS about CONTROL and HIGHER TAXES will be imposed on EVERYONE. Yes EVERYONE.
It is not about improving the level of service. It IS about CONTROL and HIGHER TAXES will be imposed on EVERYONE. Yes EVERYONE.
When and if a B.O. bill passes and things happen like what come to pass in every thing the government gets their sticky fingers in. Most recently the Used Car business that experienced bottlenecks in just the first couple weeks. And oh yeah THE COST TRIPLED.
It is about CONTROL and higher taxes will be imposed on EVERYONE. Yes EVERYONE. The VAT, Value Added Tax, currently being considered and then of course the 2009 Cap And Tax (I mean Trade LOL) passed June 26. WE are ALL going to pay!

It IS about CONTROL and HIGHER TAXES will be imposed on EVERYONE. Yes EVERYONE. Even the deadbeats!
Single-Payer is NOT the best alternative but it is part of Obama’s plan.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Don't be a Potty Mouth

Please choose your words carefully.
In this (FB)and other public forums, one will be judged, at least in part, by their ability to articulate their thoughts.
It is all too easy to substitute profanity when the scope of ones vocabulary and mental prowess is limited.
Ones misaligned sense of humor, anger, alcohol and just plain ignorance account for the majority of short cuts reverting to the use of a profane genre. There are however educated folks who habitually include profanity in their normal dialog, Maybe they think its’ cool?
As I struggle with finding the words that meet the “politically correct” barometer so as not to “offend” anyone; I’ll merely suggest folks try using words and phrases that actually express the thoughts intended on being communicated.

Speaking of “politically correct”
If you read between the political lines there are countless examples of “choosing words carefully.” In most cases the choice of a word or the structure of an answer are intentionally formed to mislead or convolute and distract. When have you heard a politician answer a question that could clearly and simply be answered “yes” or “no?” They wander of in to never-never-land and rarely give definitive answers.
Hans Hofmann: "The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak."
In listening to politicians is it rare to get an answer to a question with a definitive “yes” or “no.” Doing so would leave the respondent to committing to a definitive position. It seems to me that most politicians would rather straddle the fence. There are too few occasions when we get an absolute answer; one that is clear and concise.
By the way; I am not on any pedestal of grammar excellence. I too find myself falling of the language cliff all too often.
The English language is a complex collection of words and definitions and colloquial replacements, use them wisely and understand them thoroughly.
Posted 061609 Re posted & Edited August 6, 2009

Thanks to
Jennifer Magini
for the art

Monday, August 3, 2009

Get some free money

This has been revised and shortened, August 3, 2009.

In the case of cash for clunkers I believe it is important to look at this transfer of tax payer money from several perspectives with the intentions being to measure the ability of our elected officials to effectively anticipate, initiate, implement and administrate the “highest and best use” of revenue the taxpayers make available. Wait, that’s not an accurate claim on my part. Forgive the slip it sounds like “make available” means the money is actually available, meaning on hand, in the bank or Fort Knox or in the pockets of those spending it. My bad. It is NOT available today, tomorrow or a week from Sunday. They, we have to borrow it (from the Chi-Coms). This administration thinks that like some folks “I’ve got plenty of checks so I must have money. For them, all they have to do is print it. Leave the paying back part to someone else.

It should go without saying that those elected officials should perform with integrity/honesty, evidentially it’s an attribute missing in Chicago & D.C.. I don’t mean to slam the wonderful folks in Chicago but they elect these knuckle-heads and one of wound up in D.C.. Incidentally Chicago and D.C. don’t have exclusivity in the knuckle-head department.
When was the first or last time something came out of D.C. that held the scope promised or intended whether an entitlement or un-funded or even when they want to pick our pockets? Start low, aim high, pick em fast before they catch on.

Like the President before concluding that the “police acted stupidly” I have not read the entire bill. I have however scanned through it with sufficient input along with other credible sources to conclude that the claims set forth in my diatribe are applicable to this here with. I think the preceding was my feeble attempt at full disclosure. Here’s the thing that grind my gears. I thought President O said he didn’t want to be in the car business?? Now he’s the Ultimate Used Car Salesman with the ultimate spiff program.

To qualify: Your trade-in vehicle must
* have been manufactured less than 25 years before the date you trade it in. (1984 and up. The 80’s were some of the crapiest cars to come from the Big 3.)
* have a “new” combined city/highway fuel economy of 18 miles per gallon or less (a lot of V-8’s going bye-bye. I like V-8’s)
* be in drivable condition (because they want to have all the fun of destroying them. What a shame)
* be continuously insured and registered to the same owner for the full year preceding the trade-in (Damn. They did something that makes sense.)
* The trade-in vehicle must have been manufactured not earlier than 25 years before the date of trade in and, in the case of a category 3 vehicle, must also have been manufactured not later than model year 2001 (category 3 relates to trucks.)

Note that work trucks (i.e., very large pickup trucks and cargo vans) have different requirements.
OK, that’s pretty straight forward.

Granted the “cash for clunkers” has made getting out of a “clunker” a much more attractive and affordable option for folks that might not have otherwise be able to get in to a better car. This is an act of the government redistributing the taxpayers’ money according to what they perceive as the most beneficial to their political objectives. There is absolutely NO consideration of inclusiveness but once again politicians selectively deciding how to spend money that is NOT theirs.

But what are the unintended consequences? One unintended, or at least I hope its an unintended consequence is that many consumers who can only afford “clunkers” like kids in high school and college or minimum wage earners will not have these clunkers available to them. Many of these vehicle sell for considerably less than the $3500-$4500 under normal market conditions. This alone is an inflationary result and reality. Clunkers will now have inflated values. Who loses?

The acronym is the “Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save” read the title again. Maybe this is another instance of the folks, including the president NOT reading the bill? Or is it that they don’t care what it says because they are going to do as THEY want regardless. CARS act of 2009 is a scant 137 pages as of this writing.

Much to the chagrin of the architects of the Cash for Clunkers give away, a billion dollars went in a flash. When it sent shock waves through the hallowed-halls it was exclaimed “we are going to have to find more money.” What the hell are they talking about? Do they think someone left a couple billion under the couch cushions?
The computer system provided by the NHTSA, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration or DOT. Department of Transportation resulted in system overload, crashes, delays and unanswered questions. Great planning folks. Check the document to see just how much convoluted bureaucracy is created on this teeny-weeny program.
Imagine if you can what will happen when the Government, who know even less about medicine as demonstrated by their bumbling management of Social Security, Medicare to mention but a couple muffs. After a bit more research I’ll blog the details.

Bend-over, they are going to pick our pockets yet again. Congratulations! The found 2 billion in their candy store. It’s actually our money and that of future generations. The 80% or so of the unused porkulus money is the mother-load. Far be it form our beloved officials to not spend what they don’t have. Only around 6%+/- of the 786 billion dollar stimulus…As you might suspect I suffer from AADHD.
Sorry for the rabbit trails. I’ve moved them to the next blog..

Who is actually benefiting?
What a coincidence, the auto-industry business, which O did not want to be in, gets more “stimulus.” This helps the U.A.W. Union, a huge voting block for the dem’s and G.M., that’s Government Motors. I can’t deny that there are some worthy folks who are able to take advantage of this unprecedented give-away. For sure the dealers are making money for a change and that is a good thing but let the market rise and fall of it own accord. Without specific demographic evidence I’ll go out on a limb here and say there was little thought to the ultimate outcome of this lame attempt to spend our money other than to make themselves look good. But tripling the original costs in less than one month!
Who doesn’t benefit?

Here’s a great example of government waste. Instead of recycling with the best taxpayer outcome in the plan, as the title of this bill implies, the not as smart as fifth graders, in their infinite wisdom decide to destroy some vehicles that could surly be put to better use. They could actually be SOLD to recover at least some of the monies.

Let’s just say that Big Pimpin turns in his 2000 Chevy Suburban with 95,000 miles on it. It’s a little rough but runs well despite only getting around 18 mpg. A family with four kids or an entrepreneur might find this to be a terrific bargain at $4,500 or more. But no, the Chevy, along with other “clunkers” is purchased by a scrap metal dealer for less than $300 per ton. CRUNCH goes the Chevy. At somewhere between 4 and 5 thousand, for those not as smart as a fifth grader, that’s between 2 and 3 toms and $600 to $900 a crunch.
But, what does it do for the Recyclers parts business, that’s salvage or wrecking yards. Some of them will indeed go for salvage parts but money is still being wasted. Oh yea. Waste is what they are best at.
Why not sell the runners and recycle the best of the rest instead of crushing. While in the bills title “R” is an acronym for “recycle” it could, maybe should stand for “RUNING.” The best economic concept seems to have escaped the actual procedure.

The future ramifications of this transfer of money are yet to be realized. Mark my words and those of many others: I’ll bet the worst is yet to come.

I know there are millions of “Bush Haters” including the mainstream media and many of the Hollywood elitists. You can’t blame this on Bush, or can you.
As for me I’m calling it a day.
Good night to all and to all a good night

Thursday, July 30, 2009

NOT racially initiated it was idiot instigated

OK, fine the guys are getting together to throw-back a beer or two and maybe an unrecorded presidential smoke. Anyone smarter than a 5th grader knows that the FIRST thing affected by alcohol is judgment. So, the fellas are going to attempt some dialog about a very sensitive subject- racial profiling with their judgment impaired even more than previously displayed as being questionable or as Mr. Obama inferred stupid. Here’s the kicker; the well intentioned person who made the 911 call has been shunned by the boys, or at least by our fearless leader. Now we all know that Mr. Obama has certain views and opinions that he has learned over 20 or so years with the reverend, of hate America, Jeremiah Wright. By the way, the one left out was not plumbed like the fells. In case you are not smarter than a 5th grader the 911 call was placed by a female and we have heard how Mr. Obama describes those of the female persuasion.

“You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig.”
Oh, I see what you mean Mr. President. You think women are pigs.
Barack Obama
In an apparent attack on Republican vice-president nominee Sarah Palin, September 2008.

“I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother — a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.”
**Cringe but stay in the pew for 20 or so years.
Barack Obama
Regarding inflammatory racial remarks of his Pastor, Rev. Jeremiah White, speech on race, March 18, 2008.

“We've got a tragic history when it comes to race in this country. We've got a lot of pent-up anger and bitterness and misunderstanding. ... This country wants to move beyond these kinds of things.”
**Oh really Mr. President? I know that this country has done more to promote racial equality that any other country in the history of the world. Once again Mr. President you illustrate your own prejudices. Way to move beyond Mr. Obama. Way to move beyond Mr. Obama.
Barack Obama
Speech on race, March 18, 2008.

This incident was NOT racially initiated it was idiot instigated and that’s the bottom line, period.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Quit playing the race card.

Now I’m not saying that there are not problems that have a race connotations. What I am saying is that by the evidence seen across the United States of America clearly demonstrates that *“Whitey” may not be the culprits. “Whitey” According to Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, a Harvard professor and contributor/friend of the president “this is what it’s like to be a black man in America” and “being judged by “Whitey”.

One could not ask for a more perfect illustration of the notion that much of the racist attitudes are within the black culture. I see it on a daily basis. There is an obvious and highly visible “attitude” displayed by many blacks resembles that displayed by Prof. Gates. Of course not all blacks demonstrate “attitude.”
The media and politicians, even the President, differing from his campaign promises (actually two-faced rhetoric) do nothing to promote ethnic harmony. On the contrary ; everyday we see clips and hear accounts that initiate, aggravate, perpetuate and exaggerate ethnic tension.

Mr. Obama kinda stepped in some doo-doo, again.

Look at the reality of the immediate situation in a country where the black president verbally attacks, before having the fact, a powerless white cop, Sgt. James Crowley for arresting a black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates -- in a city with a black mayor and a state with a black governor -- as the professor vacations in Martha's Vineyard.

Now a days in America, the so-called "victim" is more times than not really the aggressor, and the alleged "aggressor" is more times than not is the real victim.

Chicago Sun-Times, and several black activist groups have accused Mr. Obama of not being black enough. He somehow imagined that the rest of the country might not notice the president of the United States gratuitously attacking a cop in a case of alleged "racial profiling."

Oops, my bad.
All of a sudden, with the heat of the national spotlight being turned on a small local story, it has become clear that there was no "racial profiling" involved -- other than by the black Harvard professor, who lorded his credentials and connections over a white working-class cop.

Now comes the “dog and pony show.” The guy will meet at the White House for a beer-fest, which was suggested by Sgt. Crowley and Obama being the ultimate opportunist ran with it. Another photo-opp and the adoring media will give the event prime-time front-page coverage.
What a sham, what a disappointment.
As I see it Mr. Obama is racially divisive and a blatant reparationist. Just look at his gang and associations a little closer and perhaps, if you are smarter than a fifth grader you’ll agree.

Ann Coulters latest book “Guilty Liberal Victims and Their Assault on America” is worthy of purchase.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obamacare the Trojan Horse

Here it is folks: the end of The United States of America as we know it.
See for yourself:

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Beer vs Obama

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." --Benjamin Franklin
Why Beer Is Better Than Obama?
Beer is better than Obama because soldiers like beer.

Beer is better than Obama because sailors like beer.

Beer is better than Obama because marines like beer.

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn't come from Madrassas.

Beer is better than Obama because you know what's in beer.

Beer is better than Obama because beer won't take half your paycheck.

Beer is better than Obama because beer makes life a little better.

Beer is better than Obama because you're sad if there's no more beer.

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn't lie.

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn't have entitlement demands.

Beer is better than Obama because beer and whine don't mix.

Beer is better than Obama because beer has a pretty good head on it.

Beer is better than Obama because beer and bowling go together.

Beer is better than Obama because beer and arugula don't.

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn't leave a bad taste in your mouth.

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn’t mind if you cling to your beer.

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn’t trash talk you behind your back.

Beer is better than Obama because cold beer disproves the myth of man made global warming.

Beer is better than Obama because imported beer doesn’t pretend to be domestic.

Beer is better than Obama because beer likes it when I set my thermostat COLD.

Beer is better than Obama because beer is GREEN only on St. Patrick’s Day.

Beer is better than Obama because beer didn’t smoke pot and snort coke.

Beer is better than Obama because beer is better than Vichy Water.

Beer is better than Obama because beer is unpretentious.

Beer is better than Obama because people in small towns cling to God, guns and beer.

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn't promise you a free lunch.

Beer is better than Obama because there ain't no Pabst Bilal* Ribbon. Not yet anyway.
*"Bilal - Satisfies thirst; name of the Prophets Muezzin (one who calls for prayer)"

Beer is better than Obama because beer won’t throw you under the bus.

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn't cut and run.

Beer is better than Obama because beer isn't phony.

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn't flip-flop.

Beer is better than Obama because beer’s ingredients known for sure.

Beer is better than Obama because beer makes people happy.

Beer is better than Obama because beer is as American as apple pie.

Beer is better than Obama because beer isn't promoted on National Public Radio.

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn't mind if you own an SUV.

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn't care how much you make.

Beer is better than Obama because a beer won't blame America for 9/11.

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn't whine, it bubbles.

Beer is better than Obama because beer isn't a lawyer.

Beer is better than Obama because beer comes with an expiration date.

Beer is better than Obama because beer and NASCAR go together.

Beer is better than Obama because you're not afraid to turn your back on a beer.

Beer is better than Obama because beers don't have friends who bombed the pentagon.

Beer is better than Obama because an empty beer is better than an empty suit.

Beer is better than Obama because beer minds its own business.

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn't tell you what you want to hear.

Beer is better than Obama because beer is worth what you pay for it.

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn't lecture you about "global warming."

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn't care what color you are.

Beer is better than Obama because beer doesn't want to take away your gun.

Beer is better than Obama because beer is popular with working people.

Beer is better than Obama because beer isn't crazy.

Beer is better than Obama because beers don't start out as empties.

Beer is better than Obama because beers don't rig elections.

Beer is better than Obama because beers don't raise taxes.

Beer is better than Obama because beer and coke don't mix.


Tip o'the hat to Don for the following contributions:

Beer wants to make you sociable; Obama wants to make you socialist.

No matter how often you pee, you can't rid yourself of Obama.

A beer hangover means you had a good time; an Obama hangover means the good times are gone.

Beer will make the ball game more fun; Obama will tax your balls off.

Too much beer means some of us will occasionally have to say "I'm sorry." Too much Obama means we're all gonna be very, very sorry for a long, long time.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fundamentally Reshaping The United States of America:

After observing Obama on the campaign trail and during his first six months in office, we have concluded that our President lives and governs according to his own set of "Ten Commandments." They're certainly NOT the Ten Commandments you learned in Sunday School. In fact, many are the direct opposite! To prove that our conclusions are correct, you will find a link to source documentation for each commandment on the Patriot Update web site. Please follow the links. They offer a plethora of insight.
I. Thou shalt have no God in America, except for me. For we are no longer a Christian nation and, after all, I am the chosen One. (And like God, I do not have a birth certificate.) SOURCE:
II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, unless it is my face carved on Mt. Rushmore. SOURCE:
III. Thou shalt not utter my middle name in vain (or in public). Only I can say Barack Hussein Obama. SOURCE:
IV. Remember tax day, April 15th, to keep it holy. SOURCE:
V. Honour thy father and thy mother until they are too old and sick to care for. They will cost our public-funded health-care system too much money. SOURCE:
VI. Thou shalt not kill, unless you have an unwanted, unborn baby. For it would be an abomination to punish your daughter with a baby. SOURCE:
VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery if you are conservative or a Republican. Liberals and Democrats are hereby forgiven for all of their infidelity and immorality, but the careers of conservatives will be forever destroyed. SOURCE:
VIII. Thou shalt not steal, until you've been elected to public office. Only then is it acceptable to take money from hard-working, successful citizens and give it to those who do not work, illegal immigrants, or those who do not have the motivation to better their own lives. SOURCE:
IX. Thou shalt not discriminate against thy neighbor unless they are conservative, Caucasian, or Christian. SOURCE:
X. Thou shalt not covet because it is simply unnecessary. I will place such a heavy tax burden on those that have achieved the American Dream that, by the end of my term as President, nobody will have any wealth or material goods left for you to covet. SOURCE:

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Don’t confuse Control for Compassion.

A couple days ago I was talking with a young man I’ve known for lifetime. I was shocked to hear that he thinks Obama is compassionate and that is his motivation with the proposed Health Care Deform. Incidentally it is fashioned after the Massachusetts plan that is not going so well.
If you think the proposed Health Care debacle in the making is about anything other than CONTROL you need to get your head out of your rear-end and read what is already available online.
Please notice that this, like the other Obama CONTROL bills is being rammed down the throats of the American voters. Rush, rush, rush, so folks won’t find out al the CONTROL elements of the bills.
Where is the “transparency” Mr. Obama promised? Of the 1,018 +/- pages even Obama admits he has not read the entire bill as he hopes the same of the not smarter than a fifth graders.
Could the fact that this debacle will not actually start the fleecing for FOUR years have any thing to do with Obama’s term ending and the next election? They know that if they succeed in ramming this thing through its 4-year dormancy may work in Obama’s favor come election time.
I’m telling you folks this is an Obama take-over is not about reform it is about the Liberal Government slugs wanting to control out lives. Read the so far available:
Who leaves the United States of America for “Health Care? No one smarter than a fifth grader. Well, maybe someone looking for a miracle cure or kicking dope in private and maybe one guy who is not smarter than a fifth grader.
Who comes here for Health Care? People smarter than a fifth grader because they know we have the very BEST!
Wait, I just heard Obama complain about someone having to do a bunch of paper work for some treatment and concluding that our system is “broken.” Broken my behind! Paper work, mmmm, lets look at the IRS tax system and its paper work. Now that’s broken.
Google for yourself and learn the facts.
There is much to be said about the Obama “change” agenda and I am but one small voice in the wilderness of Georgia.
I found this to be rather interesting list, it's Obama's charitable donations expressed as a % of his you notice how his hitherto miserly contributions suddenly INCREASE as his political prospects increase? surely Obama wouldn't be just another calculating political opportunist, would he?
2006: 6.1%
2005: 4.7%
2004: 1.2%
2003: 1.4%
2002: 0.4%
2001: 0.5%
2000: .09%
By the way; how about the way he takes care of his brother and aunt? It is pathetic.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The actress Natasha Richardson died after falling skiing in Canada . It took eight hours to drive her to a hospital. If Canada had our healthcare she might be alive today. In the United States , we have medical evacuation helicopters that would have gotten her to the hospital in 30 minutes. In England anyone over 59 cannot receive heart repairs or stents or bypass because it is not covered as being too expensive and not needed. Obama wants to have a healthcare system just like Canada 's and England 's. I got this today and am sending it on. If Obama's plans in other areas don't scare you, this should. Please do not let Obama sign senior death warrants. Everybody that is on this mailing list is either a senior citizen, is getting close or knows somebody that is. Most of you know by now that the Senate version (at least) of the "stimulus" Bill includes provisions for extensive rationing of health care for senior citizens. The author of this part of the bill, former senator and tax evader, Tom Daschle was credited today by Bloomberg with the following statement: Bloomberg: Daschle says "health-care reform will not be pain free. Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them." If this does not sufficiently raise your ire, just remember that our esteemed Senators and Congressmen have their own healthcare plan that is first dollar or very low co-pay which they are guaranteed the remainder of their lives and are not subject to this new law if it passes. Please use the power of the Internet to get this message out. Talk it up at the grassroots level. We have an election coming up in one year and nine months. And we have the ability to address and reverse the dangerous direction the Obama administration and its allies have begun and in the interim, we can make their lives miserable. Lets do this!

If you disagree, do nothing.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Obama says we should be proud to pay more taxes.

Taxpayer Timeline of Obama's First 150 Days
Obama says we should be proud to pay more taxes. Fact is I could be just as proud for half the price.
But first let me apologize for any less than appropriate alternatives I may have used instead of titles accepted to be politically correct. After all, like him or not, he is the president.
MR. Obama’s First 150 Days: Brings to fruition more and different “CHANGE” than I think most of the ObamaBots were expecting. Those who were so enamored Mr. Obama were expecting a free ride. Wait a minute that is exactly what he is doing; redistributing what the achievers have earned and plowing it towards his base of slackers. Sadly he is just getting started in his remaking of “The United States of America.”
His version, which is evidently shared by Speaker Pelosi, Mr.’s. Reid, Waxman & Markey, to name but a few, is certainly NOT the United States of America I pledge allegiance to: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
He wants a country that borders on being Fascist or maybe Socialist or Marxist. As more and more of our freedoms are being stripped away I can only hope that what has been described as the “most uninformed voters” get the facts straight and see how this administration is chipping away at the very foundation of the land I love and hopefully you do as well.
It won’t be long, if the left continues to blindly push through legislation with such urgency that literately no one has read let alone there be any of the “transparency” Mr. Obama adamantly promised.
A 150 day overview looks like this: “New Taxes, Higher Spending, More Debt, Protectionism, Government Intervention and lots of Broken Promises. And they are just getting warmed up.
To mark President Barack Obama's first 150 days in office, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) today released a taxpayer timeline covering Obama's most recent 50-day period -- Day 101 through Day 150:

Day 105 – May 4: President Obama announces his plans to double-tax the international profits of American firms, a proposal which will cause U.S. companies to ship jobs overseas and relocate their headquarters abroad. Americans for Tax Reform countered the Obama administration’s claims.

Day 108 – May 7: President Obama releases a misleading budget document that claims to consist solely of spending cuts, but in fact contains $26.4 billion worth of energy taxes.

Day 113 – May 12: President Obama’s Treasury releases the “Green Book” -- the details of his plans for tax increases. ATR exposes details of his ‘tax increase playbook’:•Some families making less than $250,000 per year will see an income tax hike, yet another violation of Obama’s tax pledge•American families will bear the brunt of the Obama tax blueprint’s energy tax hike•Small businesses will shed jobs to pay for the higher small business tax ratesWBAL TV in Baltimore reports that thousands of dead people are receiving “stimulus” checks in the mail.

Day 116 – May 15: Americans for Tax Reform releases an overall review of Obama’s energy tax hikes, a total of $968 billion in new taxes. How much is a trillion? Here’s a pretty good link: TRILLION.

•$646 billion – new taxes by forcing a “cap-and-trade” tax on production emissions. This one, if it makes it through the Senate could throw us into a financial debacle costing countless jobs and adding, some project doubling, even tripling what we pay for gas, electricity and much much more. Please look into this for yourself and contact your representatives and tell them NO!

•$175 billion – new taxes by forcing states into a renewable portfolio system

•$62 billion – new taxes on energy companies’ LIFO "last in, first out", reserves

•$49 billion – new taxes by repealing the passive loss exception for oil and gas properties

•$17 billion – new taxes by reinstating the Superfund tax

•$13 billion – new taxes by repealing a domestic manufacturers’ tax deduction for energy companies

•$5 billon – new tax on 25 percent of total U.S. production of oil and 15 percent of gas

•$1 billion – new taxes by increasing the amortization period for certain energy costs to seven years
Let’s see, American companies are among the highest taxed in the world so let’s tax ‘em some more.
Look for businesses, like Microsoft, moving out of the United States.

Day 121 – May 20: Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee hire a speed reader to read the Waxman-Markey ‘cap-and-tax’ bill; anything to avoid actually reading the legislation themselves. We have to stop this one.

Day 128 – May 27: The Washington Post reports the Obama White House has not ruled out a Value Added Tax (VAT) to finance government-run health care. Peter Orszag’s spokesman Kenneth Baer: “While we do not want to rule any credible idea in or out as we discuss the way forward with Congress, the VAT tax, in particular, is popular with academics but highly controversial with policymakers.” Oh yea, check the details on this fiasco waiting to happen. Obama marks 100 days since the passage of the “stimulus” bill. According to the Administration, $112 billion from the “stimulus” has been spent or obligated at this point. Assuming that the President’s unsubstantiated claim that the legislation has “saved” 150,000 jobs is correct, each job “saved” cost taxpayers $746,600. Now that’s change?

Day 135 – June 3: Vice President Biden, in defending the “stimulus” says “we know some of this money is going to be wasted”. Does ‘we’ include Barack Obama? Apparently the President was not on the same page when he claimed the “stimulus” would be “without waste, without inefficiency, without fraud” back on February 20. Mmmm?President Obama makes official his support of government-run health care in a letter to Senators Baucus and Kennedy. As for me; I’m not interested in having these guys check my hemroids.“Buy American” language in the “stimulus” causes Canadian municipalities to pass their own protectionist legislation. "If one country starts to build protectionist barriers that hurt businesses in another country, there will be an impulse to retaliate, and I would like to see this resolved at the executive level in the United States," states Canada’s Trade Minister Stockwell Day.Day 137 -- June 5: The Bureau of Labor Statistics employment report shows steep job losses under President Obama:•345,000 jobs lost in the month of May•1.5 million jobs lost in the three full months since the “stimulus” bill passed•9.4 percent unemployment, the highest level since 1983.However, in January, White House economic advisors Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein said the unemployment rate would not rise above 8% if the “stimulus” was passed.Day 140 -- June 8: Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer says Obama’s double-tax proposal will cause the company to move jobs out of the U.S. “It makes U.S. jobs more expensive…we’re better off taking lots of people and moving them out of the U.S.”

Day 141 – June 9: President Obama submits a PAYGO proposal which would give a built in excuse to raise the short- and long-term cost of government AND practically require Congress to raise taxes to "pay for" it.

Day 142 -- June 10: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce announces a new campaign to support free enterprise “in the face of rapid government growth and attacks by anti-business activists.”
Day 143 -- June 11: President Obama reiterates his support for a public health care option. During the same town hall meeting in Green Bay, Wisconsin, President Obama also claims he doesn’t believe in expanding the government’s role:
“The reason is not because we want a government takeover of health care…I've already said, if you've got a private plan that works for you, that's great. But we want some competition. If the private insurance companies have to compete with a public option, it'll keep them honest, and it'll help keep their prices down.” Congress considers an amendment to repeal the “stimulus” bill. OK, government plan does not need to show a profit, the taxpayers will just pay expedencially higher taxes. How about the private sector? They pay taxes...mmmm.

Day 146 -- June 14: On Meet the Press, Vice President Biden admits the “stimulus” was based on incorrect assumptions about the economy and they cannot measure whether it has “saved or created” any jobs:"Everyone guessed wrong at the time the estimate was made about what the state of the economy was at the moment this was passed.

"On Meet the Press, Biden confirms the taxing of employee health care benefits is on the table:

“MR. GREGORY: Will the president sign a bill that taxes health care benefits for employees?VICE PRES. BIDEN: We made it clear we do not think that is the way to go. We think that is the wrong way to finance this legislation.

MR. GREGORY: So if the bill comes with that...

VICE PRES. BIDEN: But--no, no, no.

MR. GREGORY: ...the president wouldn't sign it?

VICE PRES. BIDEN: I didn't say that.”

Day 147 -- June 15: Obama again asserts he does not want to expand the role of government, this time during a speech to the American Medical Association: “When you hear the naysayers claim that I’m trying to bring about government-run health care, know this – they are not telling the truth”

Day 148 -- June 16: In an interview with Bloomberg News, Obama states he is “confident” he will not have to raise taxes on “ordinary working families”:

“One of the biggest variables in this whole thing is economic growth. If we are growing at a robust rate, then we can pay for the government that we need without having to raise taxes.” “I’m confident that we don’t have to raise taxes on ordinary working families.”

Obama also says unemployment will rise beyond 10% this year.

Earl Devaney, head of the Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency (RAT) Board, estimates that at least $55 billion of “stimulus” funds may be lost to waste, fraud and abuse.

Senator Tom Coburn issues a report detailing wasteful “stimulus” projects.

Obama once again claims he has a limited government philosophy during an interview with the Wall Street Journal: "I think the irony … is that I actually would like to see a relatively light touch when it comes to the government."

Yea, so would I and most other Americans, that actually work. And this is a whole other aspect of this ACORN allied administration.