Here’s the thing:
There is much being bandied about what PresBO should do and when should he do what ever it is he is or is not going to do. The left stands firmly wishy-washy as usual. Despite PresBO in March stating he had a plan he needs time to consider, actually reconsider. General McChrystal, his guy, has told PresBO that he/we need 40,000 additional troops and sufficient additional equipment. PresBO’s position…..no position.
By the way it was PresBO who said Afghanistan is a war of necessity and I agree.
The folks on the right are saying give the General what he needs now. Again the Administration argues that given the questionable (fraud) results of the recent election he/PresBO and us/the Troops need to have a plan.
The Commander In Chief, whose PRIMARY responsibility is delineated in the title, has NO PLAN.
As for dealing with a “corrupt” government; hells bells we have one now and have for decades. That has not until now left us in the military limbo we now unnecessarily find ourselves.
OK geniuses I am no military guru and certainly find it “above my pay grade” but just a little common sense makes the solution something that has eluded the pundants on the right and the left as well as the opinion talk show contributors.
Here’s the thing. There are several conditions and circumstances we knew going in to Afghanistan and certainly if I can figure it out the folks whose pay grade it in should have known. One, there was a political government in place and we knew there was an election in the very near future. An election that stood a very good chance of corruption influencing the outcome. Hope a one might it would have been less than prudent to have Pollyanna disposition and matching military plan. Note there is no plurality in plan.
1. There should be a plan for advancement if the governing power remained unchanged.
2. There should also be a plan to deal with a possibly corrupted election process including any electoral transition process.
3. There should be a plan for continuing while a hostile and or corrupt governing power is in place.
4. A plan should also be in place if a democratic election process yields a legitimate President.
It seems to me that for the most part dealing with any and all of the foregoing scenarios would be a matter of politics and diplomacy. Any tactical combat action could be adapted accordingly with varied scenarios. An unchanged initial tactical offense calculations involving engaging the enemy should be singularly motivated by ultimate objective of winning the war.
Now then, if this were within my pay grade I would have been dealing with these scenarios for years and making the appropriate decision in a timely manner would be forthcoming. If on the other hand, as PresBO pointed out last September, he does not know much about life.