Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

Memorial Day 2009
It is no surprise that many folks not only don’t know the difference between “Memorial Day” & “Veterans Day” many don’t know which day is celebrated in May and which in September. Even worse, many don’t know the celebratory purpose. For many one holiday is the beginning of Summer Vacation and Barbeque season and the other is but the unwelcome end.

Those we honor on this Memorial Day are surely enjoying the fruits of their labor and sacrifices in the Presence of God. I pray that God’s eternal Grace is with those left behind. May their wounds of loss be healed knowing that the sacrifice of their loved ones was not in vain but in fact contributed to the freedom we enjoy today. I am eternally grateful for the sacrifices of those brave men and women who paid the ultimate price for freedom, our freedom. Thank you.

You might find the following link interesting, informative and heart warming.
Memorial Day History

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day Missing Mom

Your mother may have gone
Home to be with the Lord
On this day to emotion and memories be drawn
Of your mom still adored
Recall those tender times of a mothers love
Let your heart be flush with joy
A touch as gentle as a Dove
Recollections of times gone by Search and Deploy
Her love expressed with every smile
And those times of correction stern
More and more visions do compile
Ah yes even these you’ll yearn
A mother’s love transcends all time
There is no expanse too great
This mutual love is so sublime
In life and now eternal your soul mate
To your mom and daughter bond
Know without a doubt she loves you still
It is forever and beyond
Your communal love is God’s will
As this day begins to close
Recall what you and mom had
Real love knows


Friday, May 8, 2009

OK with Gay Marriage

I’m OK with “Gay Marriage.” Since we have “Gays,” Lesbians,” “African Americans,” “Mexican Americans” and the list goes on and on and on. Then of course we have folks like me who are just plain ol’ “Americans.” The folks I’ve personally known who have enter into the “Sacrament of Marriage” or a “Marriage Ceremony” conducted by a Priest, Pastor, Minister, Justice of the Peace or a Judge have been male and female.
Now here’s what grinds my gears: Those who choose to be identified by preface, ethnic or otherwise would do well to keep it real. I don’t recall any of these identifiers being used until recent years. So if one chooses to employ an identifier keep it consistent. We as the unidentified are OK with our marriage ceremonies being as we are, undistinguished. We don’t go around insisting that we are referred to and identified as heterosexual Americans. So, if folks want to attach ethnic or sexual orientation identifiers please be consistent. Get a “Gay Marriage Certificate” or the equivalent and enjoy “Gay Marriage” and call it that and have a happy life.
As for the ethnic identifiers, true colors are easy to see. I am an American and proud of it. My ancestry includes Portuguese, Scottish, Irish and others. While ancestry and heritage are relevant they are SECONDARY” in all aspect of my life. With all due respect: why diminish your participation in “citizenship of the greatest Nation in the world by putting some third world down trodden country in first position?


The History of Marriage as an Institution